How to prevent and fix overheating issues with your iPhone 13, mini, Pro and Pro Max

When using your iPhone 13, iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13 Pro or iPhone 13 Pro Max, you may notice that your phone is getting too warm for comfort.

You can check out this troubleshooting guide from Seeking Tech to see how you can prevent and fix the potential overheating issues for all the models of the new iPhone.

How to prevent your iPhone 13, mini, Pro or Pro Max from overheating

In order to prevent your iPhone 13, iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13 Pro or iPhone 13 Pro Max from overheating, you can take the following precautions:

1. Avoid using your phone in extreme ambient temperatures. The new iPhone 13 models have an operating temperature range of 32° F to 95° F (0° C to 35° C).

2. You should also avoid storing your device in extreme ambient temperatures. The new iPhones can tolerate a non-operation storage range of -4° F to 113° F (or -20° C to 45° C).

3. Keep your iPhone 13 from being exposed to direct sunlight.

4. You should also not use or store your smartphone near any heat sources such as a heater, stove or inside of a hot car.

5. Try not to use the iPhone 13 when it is recharging its internal battery.

6. Limit the number of apps and connections you have running on your phone.

How to fix iPhone 13, mini, Pro or Pro Max overheating issues

If your feel that your iPhone 13, iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13 Pro or iPhone 13 Pro Max is getting too hot, then you can take the following manual action.

1. If you phone is currently recharging, disconnect it from the charger and then wait for your phone to cool down before charging it again.

2. An app, or a combination of apps, could be taking up a lot of resources that may end up straining your iPhone 13.

Therefore, we recommend closing any apps that you suspect is using up a lot of hardware resources.

You can also try closing all the apps and then slowly reopening them one by one to see if a certain app, or combination of apps, is causing your phone to overheat.

3. Turn off any connections you aren’t currently using. These may include Bluetooth, GPS or Wi-Fi.

4. Lower the screen brightness of your iPhone 13.

5. Restart your iPhone 13.

6. Shut down your phone and then let it cool down.

7. If the ambient environment of your iPhone 13 is outside of the recommended operating temperature (32° F to 95° F) and non-operating temperature (-4° F to 113° F) range, then you can try moving the mobile phone to a more tolerable temperature.

Keep in mind that Apple does not recommend exposing any iPhone 13 model to dramatic changes to humidity or temperature.

8. Make sure that the firmware of your iPhone as the software versions of the apps you are using are up to date.

What happens if your iPhone 13, mini, Pro or Pro Max overheats?

If your iPhone 13, iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13 Pro or iPhone 13 Pro Max continues to rise in temperature, the following may occur:

1. You may get a temperature warning message on the screen of your phone.

2. If you are charging your smartphone, then it will automatically stop charging.

3. The screen brightness may be lowered automatically.

4. Some apps you have opened on your phone may be forced to close.

5. You may not be able to use the iPhone 13 when you get the aforementioned temperature warning notification until your phone cools down.

6. If its internal temperature continues to rise, then your iPhone 13 will automatically enter into the deep sleep mode unit it cools down to a more appropriate temperature.

The phone should become usable again once it gets into the aforementioned operating temperature range. You can speed up this process by placing the smartphone in a cooler environment (but not too cold as the extreme swings in temperature can damage the internals of the phone). You should also keep it away from direct sunlight or any other heat sources.

If your iPhone 13, iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13 Pro or iPhone 13 Pro Max is still overheating after taking the aforementioned precautions and actions, then you may need to contact Apple Support to get your smartphone serviced.

How to turn on, turn off and force restart your iPhone 13

In 2021, Apple released several iPhone 13 models. You can check out this step-by-step guide from Seeking Tech to see how you can turn on, turn off and forcibly restart the iPhone 13, iPhone mini, iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max.

How to turn on the iPhone 13, mini, Pro and Pro Max

In order to power on your iPhone 13, iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13 Pro or iPhone 13 Pro Max, you need to take the following steps:

1. First off, you need to locate the side button.

If you are holding your camera in a portrait orientation with the screen facing you and the front camera lens on top, then the side button should be on the right side.

2. Simply press and hold the side button on your phone until you see the Apple logo shows up on the screen.

How to fix issues with iPhone 13, mini, Pro and Pro Max not turning on

If your iPhone 13, iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13 Pro or iPhone 13 Pro Max can’t be turned on, you can try doing the following:

1. You can try recharging your phone.

When recharging, you should see a battery icon on the screen of your iPhone 13. This icon may take several minutes to show up.

Wait for your phone to recharge for at least 10 minutes. Afterwards, you can try restarting the device again.

2. You can also try forcing a restart. To do so, you can follow the steps at the bottom of this guide.

3. If none of the aforementioned methods work, then the power and/or screen components of your iPhone 13, could be damaged.

If you believed that your phone is damaged, then you need to contact Apple Support.

How to turn off the iPhone 13, mini, Pro and Pro Max

In order to turn off your iPhone 13, iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13 Pro or iPhone 13 Pro Max, you need to take the following steps:

First off, you need to locate the side button, volume up button and volume down button.

If you are holding your camera in a portrait orientation with the screen facing you and the front camera lens on top, then the side button should be on the right side while the volume up button and volume down button should be on the left side.

Now that you know where these buttons are, you have two methods:

1. The first is to press and hold both the side button and volume up button until you see the sliders appear. Here, you need to drag the Power Off slider.

2. The second method is to press and hold both the side button and volume down button until you see the sliders appear. Afterwards, drag the Power Off slider.

How to turn off the iPhone 13, mini, Pro and Pro Max by using only the touchscreen

You can also turn off your iPhone 13, iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13 Pro or iPhone 13 Pro Max without using any buttons.

In order to do so with the touchscreen, you need to do the following:

1. On the screen of your iPhone 13, go to Settings.

2. Next, go to General.

3. Finally, go to Shut Down and then drag the slider.

How to fix issues with iPhone 13, mini, Pro and Pro Max not turning off

If your iPhone 13, iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13 Pro or iPhone 13 Pro Max is not shutting down properly, then you can try forcing a restart first.

In order to force a restart, you can check out the tutorial below.

How to force restart the iPhone 13, mini, Pro and Pro Max

In order to force a restart with your iPhone 13, you need to take the following steps:

1. Before we begin, you need to know where the side button, volume up button and volume down button are located on your iPhone 13.

2. Now that you familiarized yourself to these three buttons, press and then quickly release the volume up button.

3. Afterwards, press and then quickly release the volume down button.

4. Now, you need to press and hold the side button until the Apple logo appears on your iPhone 13’s screen.

5. Once you see the logo, you can release your hold of the side button.

How to disable screenshot notifications on PlayStation 5

The latest firmware update for the PlayStation 5, as well as the PlayStation 5 Digital Edition, added the ability to disable screenshot notifications.

If you are interested in turning off this feature, then you can check out this step-by-step tutorial from Seeking Tech.

Why you should disable screenshot notifications on PS5

Every time you press the Create button on the DualSense (or the Share button of the DualShock 4 if you are using the PS4 controller on the PS5), you will take a screenshot of what is currently being shown on screen.

You will see a pop-up screenshot notification display on the top right corner for at least five seconds. The icon that appears can be distracting.

Not to mention that the pop-up screenshot notification will stay on screen for the aforementioned length of time even if you decide to take another screenshot. As a result, the icon will appear on the captured screen.

Due to these issues, we recommend disabling screenshot notifications on your PlayStation 5 systems if you are capturing a lot of screens.

How to disable screenshot notifications on PS5

The setting to turn off the pop-up screenshot icon is somewhat hidden in the menus of the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 5 Digital Edition.

To find it, you need to take the following steps:

1. First off, you should be in the Home Screen, which is the main menu where you can choose which game to play, enter the PlayStation Store and perform other actions.

If you are playing a game or using an app on the PlayStation 5 at this moment, you can get to the Home Screen quickly by pressing and holding the PS button on your DualSense or DualShock 4 controller.

2. Once you managed to get to the Home Screen, you need to go into Settings.

Settings can be found in the upper right corner of the screen in between the Search option and your profile picture.

3. After getting in Settings menu, navigate all the way down and then select the Captures and Broadcasts option.

4. Inside the Captures and Broadcasts menu, select the Captures options on the left side.

5. On the right side of the same Captures and Broadcasts menu, you then need to select the Shortcuts for Create Button option.

6. In the Shortcuts for Create Button, you should see the Display Save Confirmations for Screenshots setting.

If the switch to the right of the setting is white, then this indicates that the pop-up screenshot notifications are currently turned on.

To disable this feature, simply select the Display Save Confirmations for Screenshots setting to turn the switch to black.

With the screenshot notifications disabled, you will no longer see a pop-up icon appear when you press the capture button. However, you will still get an audio notification, which should sound like a photo camera shot, every time you capture a screenshot.

How to disable pop-up sound notifications on PS5

The latest firmware update for the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 5 Digital Edition systems added the ability to disable the sound tone whenever a pop-up notification appears on screen.

So, if you would like to disable sound from being played when a pop-up notification is shown, you can check out this step-by-step tutorial from Seeking Tech.

1. First off, you need to get to the Home Screen, which is the main menu of your PlayStation 5 console where you can select which game to play, visit the PlayStation Store and more.

If you are current inside a game or app, you can get to the Home Screen by pressing and holding the PS button on your DualSense controller.

2. Now that you are in the Home Screen, you need to get to Settings.

You can find Settings, which has a gear cog icon, located of the top right corner of the Home Screen main menu.

3. After getting into Settings, navigate down and then select the Notifications option.

This should be the second to last option available in between the Saved Data and Game/App Settings option and the Captures and Broadcasts option.

4. Once you are inside the Notifications menu, you should find the Play Sound option near the top.

If the switch to the right of the wording is white, then it indicates that the Play Sound option is currently enabled.

To disable it, simply select the Play Sound option to turn the switch black.

Keep in mind that pop-up notifications will still appear on the screen even if you disable the Play Sound option. To remove these pop-up notifications altogether, or limit the pop-up types, you can check out this guide.

How to enable pop-up sound notifications on PS5

If you want to enable sound notifications again after turning this feature off on your PS5 or PS5 Digital Edition console, you need to take the following steps:

1. From the Home Screen main menu, head over to Settings.

2. Inside the Settings menu, go the Notifications menu.

3. In the Notifications menu, you should see the Play Sound setting.

If the switch to the right of this setting is black, then it indicates that the sound tones for pop-up notifications are currently muted.

To enable this feature, you need to select the Play Sound setting in order to turn the switch white.

How to reflash the Motorola Edge 2021

Reflashing your Motorola Edge 2021 may help resolve some of the software-related issues you may be experiencing on the smartphone.

In order to reflash your Edge 2021 phone, you check out this step-by-step tutorial from Seeking Tech.

Before you start, we recommend backing the data on your phone as reflashing it will delete all data you have stored on the internal storage.

To find out how to do so, you can check out this guide.

1. If you haven’t done so already, you need to download and install Rescue and Smart Assistant (LMSA) on your computer.

This program has a Windows 7 or Windows 10 operating system requirement.

2. Open the Rescue and Smart Assistant program on your PC.

3. Click on the Rescue option.

4. You will be presented with the Log in screen.

Click on the Sign in or Sign up option.

5. You then need to enter your Lenovo ID and then click on the Next option.

If you don’t have a Lenovo ID, you need to click on the Sign up link instead. Afterwards, follow the on-screen instructions to create a new account.

6. On the next screen, you need to enter the password associated with your Lenovo ID. Click Next once you are done to continue.

If you forgot your password, click on the Forgot password link and then follow the on-screen instructions.

7. Now that you are in the Rescue menu, click on the Rescue Now option.

8. On your Motorola Edge 2021, press and hold the power button until you open the power menu.

9. Tap the Power off option to turn off your phone.

10. Connect your Motorola Edge 2021, which should be turned off, to your PC via an USB cable.

11. On your phone, press and hold the volume down button until you see a green Android figure appear on the screen of the Edge 2021.

12. On you PC, click on the download option in the Rescue and Smart Assistant program.

13. Once the download has been completed, click on the X symbol to close the download menu.

14. Now that you are back in the Rescue menu, click on the Rescue Now option, which should be now highlighted with an orange color.

15. In the Information Collection notification pop-up, click on the Proceed option.

16. In the “Have you backed up your data?” notification, click on the Proceed option.

17. Once the Rescue process has been completed, click on the OK option.

18. After returning to the Rescue menu, click on the Finish option.

19. Your Motorola Edge 2021 will automatically reboot.

How to enable and optimize 3D Audio for TV speakers on PS5

Sony added 3D Audio support for TV Speakers on the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 5 Digital Edition in a firmware update.

This feature is disabled by default. If you want to enable it, then you can check out this step-by-step tutorial from Seeking Tech.

Updating the firmware of the PS5

Before we being, it should be noted that you need the latest firmware on your PS5 system to use 3D Audio with your television speakers. If your console is connected online then you should get a notification to download and install the new software version of your system.

To manually update the firmware of your PlayStation 5, you can take the following steps:

1. You first need to be in the Home Screen, which is the main menu where you normally select which game to play, go to the PlayStation Store and perform other actions.

2. Inside the Home Screen, select Settings from the top right corner.

3. Once you are in Settings, select System from the list of options.

4. In the Settings menu, first select the System Software option on the left side.

5. On the right side of the same Settings menu, select System Software Update and Settings.

6. In the System Software Update and Settings, you should see the Update System Software option.

If the wording to the right shows that the software is “Up to date,” then your PS5 is already on the latest available firmware.

If not, then you need to select the Update System Software option to manually update.

7. On the System Software Update menu, you can select to update the firmware over the Internet or from an USB drive.

We recommend using the Internet if possible as the USB drive method is a lot more complicated.

How to enable 3D Audio for TV Speakers on PS5

With your PlayStation 5 or PlayStation 5 Digital Edition updated to the latest firmware version, you can now take the following steps to enable 3D Audio for your television speakers:

1. From the Home Screen, enter the Settings menu.

2. From the Settings menu, scroll down and then enter the Sound menu.

3. In the Sound menu, you need to first select the Audio Output option on the left side.

4. On the rights side in the same Sound menu, you then need to select Enable 3D Audio for TV Speakers.

How to optimize 3D Audio for TV Speakers on PS5

After enabling 3D Audio support for your TV speakers on the PlayStation 5, we highly recommend optimizing this feature. Otherwise, you may get a subpar 3D Audio experience.

To optimize 3D Audio for your TV speakers, you need to do the following:

1. From the Home Screen, go to Settings.

2. Inside Settings, go to Sound.

3. In Sound, select Audio Output on the left side.

4. In the same Sound menu, select Measure Room Acoustics for 3D Audio on the right side.

5. In the Measure Room Acoustics for 3D Audio menu, you will get a message that you need to be using a DualSense that is updated to the latest firmware version.

If you have having problems updating to the latest firmware of your DualSense, then you can check out this guide.

6. After updating your DualSense, you need to make sure that it is not connected to your PlayStation 5 system through a USB cable.

If it is, unplugged the USB cable from your controller.

7. After meeting the aforementioned DualSense requirements, select the Next option in the Measure Room Acoustics for 3D Audio menu to continue.

8. On the next screen, you will see a list of “hints” for the measurement.

Before moving on, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • Make sure your room is as quiet as possible.
  • Make sure that the volume of your television is at the same level as when you are playing a game.
  • If you have any cables or accessories attached to your DualSense, make sure you disconnect them from your controller.
  • Make sure that your DualSense microphone is not muted. You can tell that the microphone muted if the mute button on your DualSense controller is displaying an orange light. If your controller is muted, simply press the mute button to turn off the orange light and unmute the microphone.

9. After meeting the aforementioned requirements from Step #8, hold the DualSense in front of your face and make sure to align it you’re your ear level.

10. Once you are ready, select the Next option.

11. The measurement will then start.

Afterwards, select the OK option.

If you get an error message saying that your TV volume is too low, then you need to increase the volume of your television speakers and try the measurement again.

12. You should be back in the Sound menu.

Here you need to make sure that the Apply Measurement Results to 3D Audio is enabled.

If the switch next to the Apply Measurement Results to 3D Audio setting is white, then this indicates that your TV speakers have been optimized for 3D Audio based on your current position.

If the switch is black, then you need to select the Apply Measurement Results to 3D Audio setting to turn the switch white to apply the optimizations.

We recommend remeasuring your room acoustics for 3D Audio if you change your typical viewing position from your television set or are switching TVs.

How to disable automatic video captures for challenges on PS5

The latest PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 5 Digital Edition firmware update added the ability to automatically capture gameplay videos of when you managed to achieve a personal best score.

While this may be a neat feature for some, it does take up space on the internal solid state drive. If you want to use the limited space of the SSD for something else, such as storing games, then we recommend disabling automatic video recordings for challenges.

If you are interested in doing so, then you can take the following steps from this Seeking Tech guide:

1. First off, you need to get to the Home Screen menu. This is where you can go to the PlayStation Store, pick which game to play and perform other tasks.

If you are playing a game or using an app on the PlayStation 5 at the moment, you can get to the Home Screen by pressing and holding the PS button on your DualSense.

2. Once you get to the Home Screen, head into Settings.

You can find Settings on the top right corner of the screen with the gear icon, which is in between the search and your profile picture.

3. After getting to the Settings menu, scroll down and then select the Captures and Broadcasts option.

4. After getting into the Captures and Broadcasts menu, select the Auto-Captures option on the left side.

5. On the right side of the same Captures and Broadcasts menu, select Challenges.

6. Now that you are in the Challenges menu, you will see the Auto-Capture Challenge Videos setting.

By default, this setting is enabled as the switch to the right of the wording should be white.

To disable this feature, you need to select the Auto-Capture Challenge Videos Setting to turn the switch to the right of the wording to black.

How to enable automatic video captures for challenges on PS5

If you want to enable automatic video captures for challenges after disabling this feature on your PS5 system, you need to do the following:

1. From the Home Screen, enter the Settings menu.

2. In Settings, scroll downwards and then enter the Captures and Broadcasts menu.

3. In Captures and Broadcasts, select Auto-Captures from the options available on the left side.

4. On the right side of the same Captures and Broadcasts menu, select Challenges.

5. Inside Challenges, you should see Auto-Capture Challenge Videos.

You need to make sure that the switch to the right of this setting is white, which will enable automatic video captures for challenges.

If the switch is black, select the Auto-Capture Challenge Videos setting to turn the switch to white.

To find out how you can disable screenshots and video captures for PlayStation 5 trophies, you can check out this tutorial.

How to hard reset and power cycle your Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S

When using your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X, you may run into crashes, glitches and issues. A common fix for these problems is to perform a hard reset or power cycle on the console.

To find out how to do so, you can check out this step-by-step tutorial from Seeking Tech.

How to hard reset your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X using Power Center

To hard reset your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console by using the Power Center, you need to take the following steps:

1. First off, you need to press and hold the Xbox button on your controller. This button has the Xbox logo and will light up when pressed.

2. You should now be in the Power Center menu, which will ask what do you want to do.

Here, you need to select the “Restart console option.”

3. The next screen will ask if you want to restart your Xbox console.

Select the “RESTART” option to hard reset your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X.

The console will then reboot itself.

How to hard reset your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X using the Guide menu

You can also hard reset your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console by using the Guide menu although this will take longer than using the Power Center.

If you are still interested in this method, then you need to do the following:

1. Press the Xbox button on your controller to bring up the Guide menu.

2. Inside the Guide menu, navigate over to the Profile & system tab.

3. On the Profile & system tab, select Settings.

4. Once you are in the Settings menu, select General on the left side.

5. In the General Settings menu, select the “Power mode & startup” option.

6. Inside the General Power mode & startup menu, select the “Restart now” option.

7. You should get a message asking if you want to restart your Xbox console.

Select the “YES” option to reboot the system.

How to power cycle your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X

In order to power cycle your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X, you need to take the following steps:

1. Press and hold the Xbox button located on the console for around 10 seconds.

2. After you console has been shut down, you can press the Xbox button on either the console or your Xbox controller to turn the system back on again.

How to reset the power supply of your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X

To reset the power supply of your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X, you need to do the following:

1. Press and hold the Xbox button on your console for approximately 10 second to turn off its power.

2. Wait until the console completely shuts down and then unplug the power cable on the console.

3. Wait at least 30 seconds.

4. Once the time has passed, plugged the power cable back into the console.

5. Press the Xbox button on your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X to turn it back on again.

How to unlock Motorola Edge 2021 without PIN, pattern or password

The Motorola Edge 2021 has a security feature that requires you to input a PIN, pattern or password in order to unlock the screen and use the smartphone.

If you lost your PIN, pattern or password, then you can check out this guide from Seeking Tech to see how you can still unlock the Edge 2021.

Can you recover your PIN, pattern or password on Motorola Edge 2021?

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to recover your lost PIN, pattern or password on the Motorola Edge 2021.

The only way to bypass the locked screen is to perform a factory reset. This procedure will erase the stored PIN, pattern and/or password on the Edge 2021 in addition to other personal data you have stored on the phone.

After the factory reset process, you should be able to restore some of the personal data that are linked to the same Google Account you used on your phone. Other data that was backed up to the cloud may also be recovered.

How to factory reset the Motorola Edge 2021?

In order to factory reset the Motorola Edge 2021, you need to take the following steps:

1. First off, make sure that you have enough battery life on your phone to start the factory reset procedure. Motorola recommends that you should have at least 20% remaining.

If you have less than 20% battery life, recharge your phone first.

2. After making sure you have enough battery life, turn off the Motorola Edge 2021.

3. Next, you need to open the boot menu.

To do so, press and hold both the power button and volume down button at the same time while the phone is turned off.

4. In the boot menu, use the volume down button to select Recovery Mode.

5. Press the power button to enter the Recovery Mode.

6. Next, press and hold the power button

7. While holding the power button, you need to press the volume up button.

8. You should see a list of options.

Here, you need to select Wipe data/factory reset.

9. Press the power button to confirm your choice.

10. Afterwards, select Factory data reset by using the volume down button.

11. Press the power button to confirm your selection.

12. Select Reboot system now.

13. Press the power button one last time to start the factory resetting process.

14. After the factory resetting process is completed, your Edge 2021 phone will automatically reboot itself.

15. You can then set up your phone like it was brand new.

When setting up a PIN, pattern or password, make sure you make a copy and keep it safe so that you don’t have to reset your phone again if you forgot its security passcode.

You can also recover some of the data that was deleted from the factory reset by signing into the same Google Account you previously used on the same phone.

If you have data, such as photos and videos, stored on a cloud service, then you should be able to download these files back to your phone as well.

How to disable quick resume on Xbox Series S and X

Quick resume is a new element introduced for the Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X.

This feature will allow you to quickly switch between multiple games by creating a temporary save state. As a result, there will be very little loading in between switch games as you will be able to bypass the start-up and save loading screens.

However, quick resume may cause bugs, glitches and other issues even for games that support the feature.

You can check out this tutorial at Seeking Tech to see how you can disable quick resume on the Xbox Series consoles.

Can you universally disable quick resume on Xbox Series S and X?

Unfortunately, you can’t universally disable quick resume on your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X.

Instead, you need to manually disable this feature on a game-by-game basis.

How to manually disable quick resume on Xbox Series S and X

In order to manually disable quick resume for a game, you need to take the following steps:

1. Press the Xbox button (which is the top middle button with the Xbox icon that lights up when pressed) on the Xbox controller.

Doing so will open the Guide menu.

2. In the Guide menu, select the “My games & apps” option.

3. In the “My games & apps” section, you should find a list of games that you have currently using the quick resume feature.

The Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X can store the temporary save states of up to three games that have been built specifically for the Series S and X consoles.

Backwards compatible Xbox, Xbox 360 and Xbox One games that up less memory, which means that you can have more of these games stored via quick resume.

In “My games & apps”, you need to navigate to the game with a quick resume save state that you want to remove.

4. With the game highlighted, press the Menu button (which is the small button that has the three horizontal lines icon) on your controller to bring up a pop-up menu.

5. In the pop-up menu, you need to select the “Remove from Quick Resume” option.

6. Afterwards, you will be back at the “My games & apps” section of the Guide menu.

If you want to disable the quick resume feature for another game, then you can repeat steps 3 through 5.

What happens when you disable quick resume on Xbox Series S and X

By disabling quick resume on a videogame running on the Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console, you will close the game and delete its temporary save state that was previously created. There’s no way to recover this save state data, which means that you will lose any unsaved progress in the game.

Furthermore, you have to go through the startup loading sequence when you open the game again.

Quick resume will automatically be enabled when you open the game as well, which means you need to manually remove this feature again to disable it.

Do quick resume take up SSD space on Xbox Series S and X?

The quick resume feature should not take up any additional space on your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console.

Does using quick resume affect the performance of your Xbox Series S and X console?

The quick resume feature use temporary save states. Therefore, it should not lower the performance of your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console.