How to acquire Two Rounds and Three Rounds in Jeanne d’Arc

This tutorial will explain how you can get the Two Rounds and Three Rounds stones in Jeanne d’Arc. This ability will let your character attack up to three times per turn.

The best place to farm for Two Rounds is the final boss. To prepare, make sure you have nine party members who are at least level 60. Equip HP Plus and HP Recovery skills if you have any.

You should also make sure that you have Colet in your party with Skill Shakedowm. If you recruited Rose earlier, make sure to add her as well with the Skill Snatcher ability.

For the first two turns of the fight, you should directly attack the boss. Make sure that his HP does not fall below 1500. If it does, then the Shadowloom towers will end up healing him by 550 HP.

Starting on the third turn, Darkest Demons should appear. One of these should hold Two Rounds. You should then have Rose and Colet steal this skill stone.

The other party members should focus on healing and staying alive. You should avoid attacking any enemies when trying to farm Two Rounds.

I recommend that you get at least 10 for the post-game fights.

Once you have enough, avoid all the other targets and focus all your attacks on the final boss to defeat him quickly so that the Shadowloom towers won’t get a chance to heal him.

In order to get Three Rounds, you can simply combine the Two Rounds stones together by using skill binding.

How to quickly level up in Jeanne d’Arc

This Seeking Tech guide will show you the fastest way to level up in Jeanne d’Arc.

After Stage 12

After completing the 12th stage of the campaign, make sure you have the Cyclone II spell. If you don’t, then you can farm them from Ghosts in Bastille of the Augustins.

You should then head over to the Altois Prairie. The Dragons here starts out at level 30. If you are able to hit these enemies for all nine tiles with Cyclone II, then you should be able to get a lot of experience points.

If you beat Altois Prairie for the first time, then there will be three level 50 Dragons in subsequent visits.

After Stage 25

After you beat the 25th stage of the campaign, you should gain access to the Langles Tunnel. After beating this optional location for the first time, there will be two Level 40 dragons in subsequent visits. This is the best place to level up in the main game due to the close proximity of these enemies.

Post Game

After you beat the game, you can use Tiamat in Voldor Temple to level up. This enemy starts out at level 70 on your first visit. If you beat him, then he will be level 80 in subsequent encounters.

Jeanne d’Arc Branching Path: Alrond Wood or Gywgone Mines?

After you beat the 28th stage in Jeanne d’Arc, there will be a branching path as you can pick between Alrond Wood and Gywgone Mines.

Path A: Arlon Woods

If you decide to go to Alrond Wood, then you will see more of the relationship between Beatrix and Bartolomeo, in addition to learning about the Elves.

The two stages are also considered easier and quicker in this path.

Path B: Gywgone Mines

If you decide to go to Gywgone Mines, then you will learn more about Bertrand and the Dwarfs.

The two stages on this path are considerably tougher. Not to mention the second stage can be extremely long if you don’t have magic that can attack the boss between walls in the beginning.

If you are curious, you can find a video showing all the gameplay and scenes for both paths below:

How to unlock the Leader of the Season trophy in Jeanne d’Arc

This Seeking Tech guide will show you how to unlock the Leader of the Season trophy in Jeanne d’Arc. To get this trophy, you have to complete the first season of the Colosseum.

This location can be visited after the 15th stage of the main campaign. It is very likely that you will be under-leveled at that point however since the enemies will be as high as level 49.

Instead, you should wait until you are at least level 50 to take on the 10-round gauntlet. You should also make sure that you have the HP Plus and HP Recovery skills equipped. You should also have some attack and healing spells just in case.

The actual fights should be easy if you are at least level 50 with a good amount of health and healing.

How to increase moving distances in Jeanne d’Arc

This tutorial will explain how you can get mobility stones in Jeanne d’Arc. These skills will let you travel longer distances per turn.

After the 22nd stage of the campaign, you will unlock the Tower of Alsace. By beating this stage, you will then be able to unlock Raillement.

In this location, there are three Thieves that hold Mobility +1. You can use the Skill Shakedown ability of Colet, or the Skill Snatcher ability of Rose, to steal the Mobility +1 stones before completing the stage.

In order to get Mobility +2, you need to combine two Mobility +1 stones together. Alternatively, you can also combine Mobility +1 with Raise Mobility to get Mobility +2.

The Raise Mobility skill stones are a lot more common since you can get them from Qrow Knights and Qrow Leaders. You can find a bunch of these at the Tower of Alsace.

Once you are ready, combine the ingredients to get Mobility +2.

Jeanne d’Arc Branching Path: La Charité or Saint-Pierre-le-Moutier?

After the 18th stage of the campaign in Jeanne d’Arc, you will get your first branching path of the game.

Path A: La Charité 

If you choose Path A, then you will be able to recruit Rose to your party. T

his thief is similar to Colet since she can steal skill stones from enemies, in addition to being able to identify hidden treasures on the battlefield. She also has a whip weapon that lets her attack at unique angles along with being the most mobile character.

If you are planning to get the platinum trophy, then she can help reduce a lot of the grind needed.

Path B: Saint-Pierre-le-Moutier

If you choose Path B, then you will be able to recruit Claire.

She is virtually identical to Richard when it comes to the Magic Attack and Magic Defense stats. While she does have a higher MP pool, she won’t be able to transform like Richard.

If you would like to have two magic users in your party, then you can get Claire instead of Rose.

You can find a video showcasing both paths below:

How to get Healing Wind and Healing Wind II in Jeanne d’Arc

This Seeking Tech guide will show you how to get healing spells in Jeanne d’Arc that will heal multiple party members at the same time.

To get the basic Healing Wind spell, you need to combine Cyclone II with Heal, or Cyclone with Heal II. It is easier to combine Cyclone with Heal II.

The basic Cyclone skill stone is dropped by the Necromancer, which you can find frequently in story stages and free combat levels. This enemy also carries the Heal spell if you need it.

To get the Heal II spell, you can combine Heal with HP +20.

The HP +20 skill can be bought in shops after Stage 6 of the campaign.

Once you are ready, combine Heal II with Cyclone to get Healing Wind.

To get Healing Wind II, the easiest way early on is to combine Mighty Roar with HP +50.

You can get Mighty Roar from Gazelliath, which is another common enemy that you can find in the story and free combat stages.

To get HP +50, combine HP +20 with Luna Spirit +1 to get HP +30. You can then combine HP +30 with another HP +30 to get HP +50.

Alternatively, you can combine HP +30 with Luna Spirit +1 to get HP +50.

Afterwards, combine HP +50 with Mighty Roar to get Healing Wind II.

How to get the Sky Dart skill in Jeanne d’Arc

The Sky Dart is an extremely helpful skill for archers in Jeanne d’Arc as it allows them to attack from anywhere on the map. You can check out this Seeking Tech guide to see how you can acquire this ability.

To get this without heading into the post-game, you need to use skill binding.

The easiest way to do so is to combine the Meteor Bolt and Take Flight skill stones. You can get both of these in the Free Combat version of Tourelles, which is made available after you complete the 13th Stage of the campaign.

The female dark elves can drop Meteor Bolt. The Lizard Marshals can also drop Take Flight.

While you can also combine Mobility +1 with Take Flight, you won’t be able to get Mobility +1 stones until much later into the game.

Once you have the necessary ingredients, combine Meteor Bolt and Take Flight to get Sky Dart. Your archers will need to be at least level 30 to equip the skill.

How to unlock the Dank Ye, Dank Ye! trophy in Jeanne d’Arc

This Seeking Tech guide will explain how you can earn the Dank Ye Dank Ye trophy in Jeanne d’Arc.

To get this trophy, you first need to unlock Castle Vilneaux by beating Langles Tunnel for the first time.

This stage requires you to guide the dragons back into their cages. For your party, make sure you have HP Plus and HP Recovery equipped. You should also use healing spells.

As for your party, this mission can be done with just three characters. Adding more may distract the dragons.

At the start of the fight, have one character get the treasure located all the way to the left of the starting point.

The other character should head straight for the cage behind the green dragon.

Your last character should target the stairs all the way to the right side of the map, as that is where the other treasure is located.

The dragons should then follow the character’s nearest to them and attack. Make sure you heal after each turn. If you aren’t surviving these attacks, then you can come back later at a higher level.

In order to trap the dragons, make sure they are fully inside the cage and then end your turn next to the switch inside. The cage should fall down.

You can then run out in the narrow passageway if the other dragon hasn’t been trapped yet.

The mission should end when both dragons get trapped.

How to unlock the Tight Squeeze trophy in Jeanne d’Arc

This tutorial will explain how you can get the Tight Squeeze trophy in Jeanne d’Arc.

This will unlock when you complete the Langles Tunnel for the first time, which should appear on your map after you complete the 25th stage of the campaign.

The tunnel is a small arena with seven enemies you need to defeat. The only real challenge is getting the two treasures before defeating all of your enemies.

To get all the treasures before beating the stage, send a group to take care of the Golem at the opposite end.

The other group should clear a path to the treasure from the group of enemies located near the entrance.

Afterwards, steer clear of the remaining enemies from the starting point until you defeat the Golem and get the treasure at the opposite end of the tunnel.