How to get a good workout with PS VR2 version of Pistol Whip

If you really want to work up a good sweat while playing Pistol Whip with the PlayStation VR2, then you can check out this guide to see which style you should be using.

1. To start off, make sure you unlock the Styles menu. To find out how you can do so, you can check out this tutorial.

2. Once you have styles unlocked, go to the Arcade or Party Mode.

3. In the level selection menu, move your head to the left to find the Styles menu.

4. From there, we recommend that you select the Browse tab on the top left side.

5. You should then select Fitness to find the following list of workout style presets:

Sweaty Style Preset

  • Weapon Preset: One Handed Brawler
  • Modifiers: Bullet Hell

The Sweaty preset increases the number of bullets while limiting your attacks to one-handed punches.

Dual Boxer Style Preset

  • Weapon Preset: Dual Brawler
  • Modifiers: Big Head

This Dual Boxer preset limits you to melee attacks on both hands. With that said, the head size of your targets will be increased.

Bulletstorm Style Preset

  • Weapon Preset: Dual Burstfires
  • Modifiers: Bottomless, Vengeance, Heavies and Bullet Hell

The Bulletstorm Style Preset gives you two Burstfire weapons with no lead to reload. You should expect to see a lot of bullets due to increase enemy fire rate, ricochets and heavily armored targets.

Hopeless Style Preset

  • Weapon Preset: One Handed Brawler
  • Modifiers: Reckless

The Hopeless Style Preset gives you no armor and only a one-handed melee attack.

Really, This is Fine Style Preset

  • Weapon Preset: Dual Brawler
  • Modifiers: Bulletproof and Bullet Hell

The “Really, This is Fine” makes you invincible while also making the enemies fire more bullets. You can only use punching attacks with both hands with this mode.

Nowhere to Hide Style Preset

  • Weapon Preset: One Handed Brawler
  • Modifiers: Unobstructed and Bullet Hell

The Nowhere to Hide removes all the obstacles from the game while also increasing enemy fire rate. You can only attack by punching with one hand.

There Still Ain’t Enough Style Preset

  • Weapon Preset: Dual Revolvers
  • Modifiers: Scavenger and Heavies

The There Still Ain’t Enough preset gives you two revolvers to counter the heavily armored targets. In order to reload, you need to successfully pistol whip a target.

Driftin’ Through Hell Style Preset

  • Weapon Preset: One Handed Revolver
  • Modifiers: Scavenger and Bullet Hell

The Driftin’ Through Hell limits your to using one revolver. This will also increase the enemy fire rate as well as limit reloading to successful pistol whips.

Bulletbag Stakeout for Two Style Preset

  • Weapon Preset: Dual Revolvers
  • Modifiers: Vengeance and Heavies

The Bulletbag Stakeout for Two preset gives to two revolvers. However, the targets receive extra armor while bullets will ricochet.

6. Select a preset you want to try from the Fitness menu.

7. Once you are done, we recommend that you select Customize.

8. From the Customize menu, you should see a list of modifiers that you can add or subtract from the preset.

We highly recommend that you select the Bulletproof. Otherwise, the stage can come to an abrupt and premature end if you took too much damage from bullets and/or obstacles.

If you find that the bullets are coming at you too fast, then you can try enabling the Low Velocity mod from this menu as well.

9. Once you are done setting everything up, look back to the right and then start a level. The preset and/or modifiers you previously set should now be activated in the stage.

How to play Pistol Whip while seated on PlayStation VR2

You are able to play Pistol Whip while sitting down with your PlayStation VR2. To find out how to do so, you can take a look at this tutorial from Seeking Tech.

1. It is important to note that you can only change the play style for Pistol Whip when you boot up the game. You won’t be able to change to the seated position even if you close the game and then try to re-open it.

Instead, you have to restart your PS5. To do so, press the PS button and then select the Power option located at the bottom-side menu. Finally select the Restart PS5 option from the pop-up window.

2. Next, you need to put on the PS VR2 headset and then turn on the left and right PlayStation VR2 Sense controllers.

3. Once you have the virtual reality components set up, open Pistol Whip.

4. After scanning your room, the game will ask you to set your play area. Make sure you select the Stay Seated option.

5. You should now be able to play Pistol Whip while seated.

6. Keep in mind that you have to move your head around when playing this action rhythm game as you need to avoid bullets and obstacles. Therefore, you should make sure that you have enough room to maneuver your head and arms around.

7. Inside of the game, you can also adjust the height of your character.

To do so, you need to head to the Settings menu to find the Adjust Height slider.

8. If you manage to unlock styles in Pistol Whip, then you can also enable some mods in the game that will make playing the game while seated easier.

In order to do so, look to your left to find the Styles menu before you start a level in Arcade Mode. From there, you can turn on the following:

  • Bulletproof
  • Bottomless
  • Unobstructed
  • Low Velocity

Bulletproof will make you invincible, which means that you don’t have to restart the entire stage if you managed to die. Bottomless will make it so that you never have to reload. Unobstructed will remove any obstacles so that you don’t have to move your head too much. Love Velocity means that the bullets will arrive at slower speed, giving you more time to move your head.

There are other modifications that you may want to enable from the Styles menu as well.

How to avoid motion sickness while playing Pistol Whip on PlayStation VR2

While Pistol Whip is fairly safe when it comes to motion sickness, you may still feel a little nauseous while playing this rhythm-based action game with the PlayStation VR2. To see how you can potentially avoid nausea with this title, you can take a look at this guide from Seeking Tech.

1. Pistol Whip supports three different play styles as you can choose between sitting, standing or room scale.

We found that playing the game while standing works the best for us when it comes to avoiding motion sickness. This is because you will be dodging incoming bullets as well as obstacles; so, playing while seated can trigger your nausea as you will be somewhat limited in your movement.

Room scale can also cause problems as you are already in constant motion in the game. If you try to move in real life as well, then you may experience sever sickness.

Therefore, you should stand as still as possible while playing Pistol Whip with the PS VR2.

2. There are several style and settings that you can also use to make playing the levels more comfortable. In order to do so, make sure you play some levels in the Arcade Mode to unlock the Styles menu.

The next time you play a stage in the same mode look to the left before you select the Start option. You should see the Styles menu. From there, we recommend that you enable Bulletproof, Unobstructed and Low Velocity.

Bulletproof will make you invincible, which should prevent any game overs that cause the action to suddenly stop.

Unobstructed will prevent any obstacles from appearing in the path. Normally, these force you to move to the sides or bend down.

Low Velocity makes the bullet fly to you at a slower speed, giving you more time to carefully move your head around.

3. If possible, try to have a fan blow directly to your face while playing Pistol Whip. This should help your body feel like it is moving along with the stage.

4. You can also try chewing some gum or eating some ginger as these should help ward off your nausea.

5. Of course, you should make sure that you stay hydrated; otherwise, you are more likely to get motion sick if you don’t have enough water.

6. It is also very important that you stop as soon as possible if you start feeling nauseous. You should then avoid using the PlayStation VR2 again until you begin to feel normal.

If you try to push through while feeling sick, then you will only feel worse and will take a lot more time to recover.

Over time, you should be able to build up your tolerance while playing Pistol Whip as you should get more accommodate with the motions in the game. Eventually, you should be able to play it for long sessions without experiencing any nausea.

How to unlock cheats in Pistol Whip

Pistol Whip comes with several cheats that you can use to customize your experience when going through the various levels in the rhythm action game. To see how you can enable these modifications, you can take a look at this guide from Seeking Tech.

While this guide is based on the PlayStation VR2 version of Pistol Whip, it should be applicable to all the other versions as well.

1. To unlock these cheats, you need to play through several levels in the Arcade Mode in Pistol Whip.

It should take less than five stage completions until you see “Bend the rules” notification.

2. Once you unlocked the Styles menu, you need to turn left when you select a stage but before you hit the Start option.

3. It is important to note that, if you are going through the campaign mode, you will have limited cheats available. If you want to take advantage of all available mods, then you need to play these levels through the Arcade mode instead.

4. In the Styles section, you should see a list of modifiers. You will be able to select the following:

  • Bulletproof – invincibility mode
  • Bottomless – no reload
  • Unobstructed – remove obstacle pillars
  • Threatless – disable enemies from shooting
  • One Shot – one hit kill
  • Big Head – turn on big head mode for enemies
  • Low Velocity – makes incoming bullets slower
  • Reinforced – makes armor regeneration faster and be able to sustain more damage
  • Reckless – remove your armor
  • Deadeye – remove auto aim
  • Scavenger – reload by melee attacking an enemy
  • Disorder – shuffle the enemy placement
  • Vengeance – turn on ricocheting bullets
  • Heavies – enemies have reinforced armor that takes twice as many bullets
  • Headhunter – enemies can only be defeated with a headshot
  • Bullet Hell – increases the frequency of incoming enemy fire
  • High Velocity – makes incoming bullets faster

5. Select a cheat that you want to enable.

Keep in mind that enabling some of these cheats may disable others. If you turn on Reckless, for example, then you won’t be able to enable Bulletproof or Reinforced.

6. Once you are done with enabling the modifiers, you need to look back to the right side and then select the Start option.

You should now be able to play through the selected level with the cheats you previously turned on.

How to turn off aim assist in Pistol Whip

When playing Pistol Whip on your PlayStation 5 or PlayStation 5 Digital Edition console via the PS VR2, you may notice that you don’t have to be really accurate when targeting your enemies. This is due to the generous aim assist setting that lets you focus on dodging incoming bullets and avoiding obstacles.

Before we begin, it is important to note that, while this article is based on the PlayStation VR2 version of the action rhythm game, these steps are also applicable to other versions as well.

1. To start off, you won’t be able to disable aim assist from the pause menu in Pistol Whip. So, if you are currently going through a level, you should either finish it or quit back to the level selection screen.

To exit a stage in the PS VR2 version, press any of the face buttons (Square, Triangle, Circle or X) on the Sense controller. Afterwards, select the Screen Select option.

2. If you are playing the campaign scenes, then you won’t be able to turn off the aim assist feature. Instead, you need to head over to the Arcade Mode.

If you are in the Campaign Mode menu, then you need to select home icon to go back to the home menu. From there, select Arcade.

3. Select a level from the Arcade mode and then look to the left side. You should see the Styles menu.

Note: If you don’t see the Styles menu, this means that you haven’t played enough stages to unlock it. In this case, you have to play through move levels until you get a notification that says the following:

Bend the rules. Time for a switch-up? Use the STYLES SYSTEM to modify core mechanics to your exact preferences. Each style has its own unique leaderboards. Carve out your niche and dominate it.

4. In the Styles menu, make sure you are in the Customize tab.

5. From there, select the Deadeye icon, which has an aiming reticle icon. This option should have the following description:

Aim-assist disabled. Penalty for missed shots.

6. After turning off the aim assist feature, look to the right and then select the Start option.

When you play through the stage, you should no longer notice any aim assistance when shooting your weapon at the enemies.

How to dual wield in Pistol Whip

By default, most of the levels in Pistol Whip (with the exceptions of the Smoke & Thunder campaign scenes), are played with a signal weapon being held either on your left or right hand.

If you want to play through these stages with a weapon on each hand, then you can check out this tutorial from Seeking Tech to see how you can dual wield.

This guide is based on the PlayStation VR2 version of Pistol Whip running on a PlayStation 5 console. With that said, it should also be applicable to the other versions of the game on other VR platforms.

1. You can only change to dual wielding from the main system menus. So, if you are currently in a middle of the stage, you need to bring up the pause menu. On the PS5, you can do so by pressing the Square, Triangle, Circle or Cross button on the Left or Right PlayStation VR2 Sense controller.

2. From the pause menu, move the laser pointer to Screen Select option and then shoot it so that you can return to the selection menu.

3. It is also important to note that you won’t be able to dual wield in the 2089 campaign scenes. To play these same levels with two weapons, you need to do so from the Arcade Mode.

If you are in the Campaign Mode menu, then we recommend that you select the home icon to go back to the mode selection menu. From there, select Arcade Mode.

4. Select a level you want to play in the Arcade Mode menu.

5. Before selecting the Start option, you should see an icon with two guns. Select it to enable Dual Wielding.

Alternatively, you can look to the left side and see the same two gun icons from the Styles menu.

6. Once you turned on dual wielding, start the level.

You should now be able to play Pistol Whip with a weapon equipped to both of your hands.

How to play PS VR2 version of Pistol Whip left-handed or right-handed

You can play Pistol Whip with either the Left PlayStation VR2 Sense controller or Right PlayStation VR2 Sense controller.

To see how you can switch the dominant hand when it comes to holding a single weapon for this virtual reality game, you can take a look at this tutorial from Seeking Tech.

1. You can only change your dominant hand in Pistol Whip when you are in the main menus.

So, if you are currently making your way through in a stage, then we recommend that you first bring up the pause screen by pressing any of the face buttons (Square, Triangle, Circle or X) on the Left or Sight Sense controller.

2. From the pause screen, you need to move the laser pointer of the active controller to the Screen Select option and then press the L2 or R2 button in order to exit the level.

3. Once you are back in the main menus, you can press the L2 button if you want to change your dominant hand to the Left PlayStation VR2 Sense controller. By doing so, you will now be able to hold your weapon left-handed in Pistol Whip the next time you play a level.

To change your dominant hand to the Right PlayStation VR2 Sense controller, you need to press the R2 button while you are in the main menus. This will make it so that you will be holding your weapon right-handed during the stages.

4. Once you are done switching your dominant hand, select a scene to start playing.

The weapon should now appear on the hand that you previously switch over to.

How to unlock the campaign in Pistol Whip on PS VR2

When you boot up Pistol Whip on your PlayStation VR2 headset for the first time, you may notice that you can’t select the Campaign mode in this rhythm action game. To see how you can unlock the story scenes, you can take a look at this tutorial from Seeking Tech.

You won’t be able to play the first two campaign chapters right away in the PlayStation 5 version of Pistol Whip. To unlock them, you have to first go through the levels in the Arcade Mode.

It took us around five level completions in Arcade before we unlock the first two campaigns in Pistol Whip. If you play through the tutorials in the game, you may be able to unlock the story a lot quicker.

The game will let you know when the first chapters will be available as you should see the following notification:

Unlock ravel the story.

Blast your way through the story-drive Scenes in each of Pistol Whip’s complete Campaigns.

Take in the wild west as gunslinger Jessie, or the robo-apocalypse future as cybersolider Asimov. Each campaign features new weapons and unique challenges.

If you select the “Take Me There” option from this notification, then you will see the following message:

Campaign Mode. Recommended for Experienced Players.

Battle through a cinematic story using preset styles. Accessibility modifiers available in the Styles menu.

Select the “I’m ready” option to go to the Campaign screen, where you can select which scene to play.

Once you complete the levels from the Campaign, you will be able to unlock them to be played from the Arcade mode as well.