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How to avoid motion sickness while playing Pistol Whip on PlayStation VR2

While Pistol Whip is fairly safe when it comes to motion sickness, you may still feel a little nauseous while playing this rhythm-based action game with the PlayStation VR2. To see how you can potentially avoid nausea with this title, you can take a look at this guide from Seeking Tech.

1. Pistol Whip supports three different play styles as you can choose between sitting, standing or room scale.

We found that playing the game while standing works the best for us when it comes to avoiding motion sickness. This is because you will be dodging incoming bullets as well as obstacles; so, playing while seated can trigger your nausea as you will be somewhat limited in your movement.

Room scale can also cause problems as you are already in constant motion in the game. If you try to move in real life as well, then you may experience sever sickness.

Therefore, you should stand as still as possible while playing Pistol Whip with the PS VR2.

2. There are several style and settings that you can also use to make playing the levels more comfortable. In order to do so, make sure you play some levels in the Arcade Mode to unlock the Styles menu.

The next time you play a stage in the same mode look to the left before you select the Start option. You should see the Styles menu. From there, we recommend that you enable Bulletproof, Unobstructed and Low Velocity.

Bulletproof will make you invincible, which should prevent any game overs that cause the action to suddenly stop.

Unobstructed will prevent any obstacles from appearing in the path. Normally, these force you to move to the sides or bend down.

Low Velocity makes the bullet fly to you at a slower speed, giving you more time to carefully move your head around.

3. If possible, try to have a fan blow directly to your face while playing Pistol Whip. This should help your body feel like it is moving along with the stage.

4. You can also try chewing some gum or eating some ginger as these should help ward off your nausea.

5. Of course, you should make sure that you stay hydrated; otherwise, you are more likely to get motion sick if you don’t have enough water.

6. It is also very important that you stop as soon as possible if you start feeling nauseous. You should then avoid using the PlayStation VR2 again until you begin to feel normal.

If you try to push through while feeling sick, then you will only feel worse and will take a lot more time to recover.

Over time, you should be able to build up your tolerance while playing Pistol Whip as you should get more accommodate with the motions in the game. Eventually, you should be able to play it for long sessions without experiencing any nausea.