If you want to play multiplayer matches with others over the internet, as well as partake in other activities that require an online connection, then you will need a Capcom ID account for Street Fighter 6. If you can’t seem to sign into your account in this fighting game, then you can take a look at this troubleshooting article from Seeking Tech to see what you can do.
1. For the first step, we recommend that you visit the My Page section of the official Capcom ID website.
Once you are signed in, scroll down to the “External account links” section. Here, you should see the Xbox Live, PlayStation Network and Steam accounts that are linked to your Capcom ID.

You should make sure that your Xbox, PSN or Steam account matches the one you are using to play Street Fighter VI. Otherwise, you won’t be able to log in.
If you are using a different account on your PC or console, then you need to switch to the one that is listed in the aforementioned “External account links” section.
It is very important to note that you won’t be able to link to a different Xbox Live, PlayStation Network or Steam account to your Capcom ID. You also won’t be able to use the same Xbox, PSN or Steam you previously linked to a newer ID even if you unlink them beforehand.
2. If you still aren’t able to get past the “Yes, I agree” screen when signing into your Capcom ID account in Street Fighter 6, then you can try creating a new ID account.
As we stated above, you can link your Xbox Live, PlayStation Network or Steam account to a new Capcom ID if you already linked then to an older ID.
Keep in mind that you will also lose out on any data that is stored online by changing your Capcom ID. These include your avatar as well as your rankings.
3. There is a possibility that the Street Fighter 6 servers are down at the moment. In this case, wait until the servers are fully operational again before trying to log into your account in the game.
4. You should also make sure that you have the latest patch installed for this fighting game.
5. If you are still stuck in the sign in screen, then we suggest that you contact the customer service team on the official Street Fighter 6 website to get direct support for your log-in problems.