How to get unstuck in Honkai: Star Rail

You may find yourself stuck, unable to move, when exploring in Honkai: Star Rail. To see how you can get unstuck, you can take a look at this troubleshooting guide from Seeking Tech.

1. To start off, you need to open the in-game Settings menu.

2. From there, change tabs until you get to Others.

3. Next, scroll down and select the Unstuck – Reset Position option.

4. You should see the following pop-up notification:

Attempting to get unstuck, confirm to reset your position.

Select Confirm.

5. Hopefully, your character will be put in a better position so that they are no longer stuck in the environment.

How to fix HDR and brightness issues with Honkai: Star Rail on PS5

You may notice that there may be something wrong with the HDR and/or brightness levels in the PlayStation 5 version of Honkai: Star Rail. To see how you can potentially fix these issues, you can take a look at this troubleshooting guide from Seeking Tech.

1. For the first step, you need to open the Settings menu of your PS5 and then go to Screen and Video > Video Output > Adjust HDR.

You should then follow the instructions that appear on the screen to calibrate the HDR brightness output of the console to your television set or monitor.

2. If the game still looks off, head over to the in-game Settings menu. From there, select HDR Moritor Mac Brightness Detection from the Graphics Settings tab.

You will be taken to a screen that let’s you calibrate the in-game brightness level.

3. You may also want to try playing Honkai: Star Rail without HDR enabled. To do so, turn off HDR on your PS5 as well as any HDR settings on your TV or monitor.

How to hold to sprint in the PS5 version of Honkai: Star Rail

By default, you have to tap the R1 button to sprint when exploring the field in the PlayStation 5 version of Honkai: Star Rail. To stop sprinting, you need to press the same button again.

If you find this setup to be clunky, then you can check out this Seeking Tech guide to see how you can change the setting from a toggle to a hold.

1. If you haven’t done so already, boot up Honkai: Star Rail and then load into your save file.

2. When exploring, press the Options button on the controller to bring up the Phone menu.

3. Select the gear icon from there to head into Settings.

4. Inside of the Settings menu, press the R1 button to switch tabs until you get to Others.

5. Afterwards, scroll down to the Controls section.

6. Select Control Mode: Sprint.

7. Finally, select Hold to Sprint in the drop-down menu.

8. You can now exit out of the Settings and Phone menu and return to playing Honkai: Star Rail.

To run, you now need to hold down on the R1 button. To stop running, you can simply let go of the same button.

How to disable DualSense vibration in Honkai: Star Rail

The haptic feedback of the DualSense is enabled by default in the PlayStation 5 version of Honkai: Star Rail. If you want to tone down the rumble, or disable it altogether, then you can check out this tutorial from Seeking Tech.

1. For the first step, open Honkai: Star Rail on your PS5 and then log into your account.

2. Next, make sure you are outside of combat, cut scene and any dialogue sequences.

3. Press the Options button on the controller to bring up your phone.

4. From there, select the gear icon to head into Settings.

5. Inside of Settings, use the R1 buttons to change tabs until you get to Others.

6. From the Other tabs, scroll all the way down to Controller Vibration Intensity.

7. Be default, the intensity level is set to 3. To decrease the strength, you need to press the L2 button. If you want to increase it, you have to press R2 instead.

In order to completely disable haptic feedback, set Controller Vibration Intensity to 0.

8. You can then exit the Settings menu and put your phone down to return to playing the game.

How to change the region server in PS5 version of Honkai: Star Rail

If you want to switch over to a different server region in the PlayStation 5 version of Honkai: Star Rail, then you can check out this guide at Seeking Tech.

Before we begin, it should be stated that the development team at miHoYo has said previously that you won’t be able to manually change regions in the PS5 version of the game even though you can do so on other platforms.

It is also very important to note that you will lose all your progress when changing servers. Therefore, you will have to start over from the very beginning of the game if you do decide to switch regions.

While you can’t change regions directly within Honkai: Star Rail, there is a workaround. The game automatically selects your region depending on the location you set for your PlayStation Network account.

Thus, in order to change the server region, you have to create a new PSN account as you won’t be able to change the region for your existing account.

Currently, the PS5 version of Honkai: Star Rail uses the America, Europe, and Asia servers. So, when creating a new PSN account make sure you select your Country or Region from these locations.

Once you are done creating your account, sign into it on your PlayStation 5 and then open the game. You should now be logged into the new server region.

How to fix Honkai: Star Rail PS5 account linking issues

If you are having issues trying to link your existing Hoyoverse account to the PlayStation 5 version of Honkai: Star Rail, then you can check out this troubleshooting article from Seeking Tech.

1. Before we begin, make sure you have a secondary email account as you will need it during this process. You will also need a smartphone, computer or another device that has a web browser.

2. Once you are ready, you open Honkai: Star Rail and then start the game.

3. Play through the beginning until you gain access to the Phone menu.

4. Open the Phone menu by pressing the Options button.

5. Next, select Account Settings.

6. You then need to select User Center.

7. The game will then load the Account page from the Hoyoverse website by using the internal web browser of the PS5.

If the page fails to load, press the Triangle button to load it again. You can also try backing out and then selecting User Center from the Account Settings screen. It may take several tries to get it to load properly.

8. Once the webpage has loaded on the PS5, select Modify Link on the Email section.

9. Change your email to a different address. During this process, you may need to go through several verification steps.

10. Close Honkai: Star Rail on your PS5.

11. On a web browser on another device, go to the Account page on the Hoyoverse website.

12. Log into your Hoyoverse account using the new email you used from Step #6.

13. Select the Unlink option next to the PSN account.


14. Start up Honkai: Star Rail. When asked to log in, make sure you select the “Already have an account, log in directly” option.

15. Enter the email address you used for your original Hoyoverse account.

How to turn off crossplay in the PS5 version of Honkai: Star Rail

Cross platform is enabled by default in the PlayStation 5 version of Honkai: Star Rail. If you would rather disable this feature so that the game will only connect with other PS5 users, then you can check out this tutorial from Seeking Tech to see how you can properly do so.

1. To start off, you need to make your way to the Settings menu in Honkai: Star Rail.

You can do so from the title screen, by pressing L3 and then selecting the gear icon. You can also select the same gear icon from the phone menu.

2. In Settings, use the L1 and R1 buttons of the DualSense to change tabs until you get to the Account Settings tab.

3. From there, select the “Only play with users from PlayStation Network” setting.

4. By default, this setting is set to Off, which means that you are able to connect with other users that are playing on the PC, Android or iOS platforms.

To disable cross platform connections, make sure you set the “Only play with users from PlayStation Network” setting to On.

5. You can then exit the Settings menu.

When using the multiplayer features in Honkai: Star Rail, your connection will now be limited to other PS5 users.

How to change voice language in PS5 version of Honkai: Star Rail

If you are playing the PlayStation 5 version of Honkai: Star Rail in an English-speaking region, then the default voice language will be set to English. If you would like to switch over to a different language, then you can check out this tutorial from Seeking Tech to see how you can properly do so.

1. To start off, you need to open the Settings menu.

If you haven’t logged into the game yet, then you can press L3 in the title screen and then select the gear cog icon.

If you have already loaded into your save file, then you need to press the Options button on the DualSense to open the phone menu. From there, you can either select Account Settings or the gear cog icon.

2. Once you get to Settings, use the L1 and R1 buttons to change tabs until you get to Language Settings.

3. Select Voice from the Language Settings menu.

4. In the drop-down menu, you will be able to choose between any of the following options:

  • Chinese
  • English
  • Japanese
  • Korean

5. After changing the voice language, you can back out of the Settings menu.

When you resume playing Honkai: Star Rail, the voice acting will now be in the language that you switched over to.

How to link Hoyoverse account to PS5 version of Honkai: Star Rail

In order to play Honkai: Star Rail on the PlayStation 5, you need to log into your Hoyoverse account.

If you already have an existing account, then you can check out this Seeking Tech guide to see how you can link it to this role-playing game.

1. If you haven’t done so already, open Honkai: Star Rail on your PS5.

2. When trying to play the game, you should see a screen instructing you to link to your Hoyoverse account.

You will be able to link through email or by scanning the QR code on your phone. We ended up going with the latter.

3. After scanning the code, you may be asked to log into your Hoyoverse. You can also log in with a Google, Apple, Facebook or Twitter account.

If you used a third-party log-in, then you have to set up a password for your Hoyoverse account as well if you haven’t done so already. You may also get a verification code sent to your email that you must enter in the Hoyoverse in order to continue.

4. After successfully logging into the Hoyoverse website, you should see the Account Linking page. It should show your PlayStation Network username, email address as well as other details.

Here, you need to select Confirm to start the linking process.

Both the webpage and the game running on the PS5 will let you know when the account linking has been completed. Now that you are logged into your Hoyoverse account in the game, you should be able to start playing Honkai: Star Rail on your PS5.