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How to play games in ultrawide aspect ratio on Q70A, Q80A, QN85A and QN90A

Although the new Q70A, Q80A, QN85A and QN90A have a native 16:9 aspect ratio, these television sets also support the ultrawide ratios.

You can follow this guide from Seeking Tech to find out how you can enable ultrawide screen support.

Supported Ultrawide Aspect Ratio

The Samsung Q70A QLED, Q80A QLED, QN85A Neo QLED and QN90A Neo QLED television sets support the 21:9 and 32:9 ultra wide aspect ratio.

Supported Ultrawide Resolutions

You can find a list of supported resolutions for the Q70A, Q80A, QN85A and QN90A TVs below:

21:9 Aspect Ratio:

  • 3840 x 1600 at 60 Hz
  • 2560 x 1080 at 60 Hz
  • 2560 x 1080 at 120 Hz

32:9 Aspect Ratio:

  • 3840 x 1080 at 60 Hz
  • 3840 x 1080 at 120 Hz

How to enable ultrawide screen support for Q70A, Q80A, QN85A and QN90A

To enable ultrawide screen support for your 2021 QLED or Neo QLED TV, you can do the following:

1. First, make sure that your computer is connected to your television set using a HDMI cable.

2. You also enable game mode if you haven’t already. To do so, press the Home button on the remote controller of your TV and then go to Settings. In the Quick Settings tab, select Game Mode and then set it to “On.”

3. With game mode enabled, go to the PC source so that your computer display will be shown on the television screen.

4. Launch the game you are planning to play in ultrawide screen. The game must support the ultrawide aspect ratio. You can usually find the aspect ratio setting in the game’s menu.

5. Next, press and hold the Play/Pause button on the TV remote to bring up the Game Bar menu.

6. In the Game Bar menu, navigate to the Screen Ratio option.

7. The default setting for Screen Ratio is 16:9. You can change it to either 21:9 and 32:9.

If the screen is not displayed properly, try to close and re-open the game on your PC. You should also make sure that the resolution setting in the game matches the aspect ratio setting on tour television set.

Keep in mind that, when using either the 21:9 or 32:9 ultrawide aspect ratio, your 2021 Samsung 2021 QLED or Neo QLED will have black bars on the top and bottom of the television screen. The bars are larger with the 32:9 ratio than the 21:9 ratio.

If you don’t like the look of the black bars, you can try playing a game in ultrawide screen at night with the lights turned off.
