How to fix Halo Infinite campaign mission progression issues

When playing the campaign of Halo Infinite, you may be get locked out of progressing to your next objective in the story. These glitches include the following:

  • When you die, some doors that should be unlocked will be locked.
  • You may be stuck in an endless loading screen if you fast travel while dead.
  • You may also die over and over again when dismounting from a Shade turret.
  • If you decide to fast travel to the Chak ‘Lok’s Tower before finding the source of the distress signal, you may not be able to return to some areas.
  • You may also get stuck in The Road mission as the bridge may not extend if the player presses the button on the bridge control before all the dialogue has played out.

To see how you can get past these bugs, you can check out this troubleshooting guide at Seeking Tech.

How to restart mission in Halo Infinite campaign

The first step we recommend taking is to restart your current mission in the Halo Infinite campaign.

In order to do so, you can take the following steps:

1. First off, you need to bring up the pause menu.

If you are playing Halo Infinite on PC via a controller, Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X, you can press the Menu button. For the uninformed, the Menu button has the three horizontal lines on the Xbox One and Xbox Series gamepads.

If you are using a keyboard on the PC, you need to press the Escape key.

2. In the pause menu, select Restart Mission.

3. When asked if you want to restart the mission, select Confirm.

To restart a mission, open the Pause menu by pressing the Menu button on an Xbox controller or Escape on a keyboard, then choose Restart Mission.

How to reset Halo Infinite

If you are still locked out of progression in Halo Infinite after restarting the campaign mission, then you can try fully resetting the videogame by doing the following:

1. Close the game.

If you are playing on the Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X, make sure you close the game without suspending it in Quick Resume as it will cause issues. To see how you can avoid using Quick Resume in Halo Infinite, you can take a look at this guide.

2. Next, we recommend shutting down your PC or Xbox console.

3. If you are playing the game on the Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X, we also suggest unplugging the console from the power outlet and then wait for at least 2 minutes. Afterwards, you can connect the console back to the power source. This is done in order to clear out the cache of your system.

4. Turn on your PC or console and then open Halo Infinite again to see if you can get past the point you were previously stuck at.

Other Solutions

If you still can’t past a certain point in the Halo Infinite campaign, then you have two other options.

The first of which is to simply wait until a new patch is available for the game that will hopefully fix your progression issues.

The second option is to simply start a brand-new save game. Unfortunately, you are stuck with having one save file as you have no way to manually save into another slot. Therefore, if you can’t progress in your old save file, then you need to start the entire campaign all over again to see if you can get past that troublesome part.

The development team at 343 Industries has stated that mission select will eventually be added to Halo Infinite in a future patch. So, if you don’t want to start the campaign over again, then you can wait until a new title update is released for the first-person shooter.

How to fix Halo Infinite offline and quick resume issues

When you are playing the campaign mode of Halo Infinite without being connected online, you may not be able to unlock cosmetics for your multiplayer avatar from armor lockers. This and other issues can occur when you are using the Quick Resume feature while playing this first-person shooter on the Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X.

To see how you can potentially fix the offline and quick resume problems with Halo Infinite, you can take a look at this troubleshooting guide.

How to close Halo Infinite on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X without using Quick Resume

For now, the development team at 343 Industries suggests that you avoid using the Quick Resume feature.

In order to exit out of Halo Inifnite without putting the game into the Quick Resume queue, you can take the following steps:

1. While playing the game, press the Xbox button on your controller. For the uninformed, this button has the Xbox logo and should be lit up.

2. Now that you open the Guide menu, scroll down to the Halo Infinite icon.

3. With the Halo Infinite icon highlighted, press the menu button on your controller. This button has the three horizontal lines.

4. In the pop-up menu for Halo Infinite, select Quit.

Every time you want to stop playing the game, you need to take the aforementioned steps.

Switching to another menu, game or app will suspend Halo Infinite into the Quick Resume queue.

Turning off or putting the Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console in sleep mode will cause the game to be suspended in Quick Resume as well.

How to tell if Halo Infinite is suspended in Quick Resume

If you don’t know whether or not Halo Infinite is currently suspended in Quick Resume, you can do the following:

1. First off, make sure you aren’t currently playing Halo Infinite.

If you are playing the game, make sure you close the game before continuing.

2. Now that you are outside of Halo Inifnite, press the Xbox button on your controller to bring up the Guide menu.

3. Inside the Guide menu, select the “My games and apps” option.

4. In the “My games and apps” menu, you will see the Quick Resume section.

5. If Halo Infinite appears under this section, then it indicates that the game is currently suspended via Quick Resume. If it is, you can press the Menu button on your controller with the game’s icon highlighted and then select the “Remove from Quick Resume” option in order to stop Halo Infinite from being suspended.

If you don’t see Halo Infinite under the Quick Resume section, then it means that the game is completely closed. When you open the game again, it will go through the boot up sequence and then load into the main menu where you can select which mode you want to play.

6. Another way to tell whether or not Halo Infinite has been put via Quick Resume is to open the game. You should see Quick Resume pop up during the initial splash screen if the game was previously suspended.

How to make sure you are playing the Halo Infinite campaign online

Although the campaign mode of Halo Infinite can be played offline, doing so will cause the same issues as when you load into the game via the Quick Resume feature.

To make sure you are playing the campaign mode online, you can take the following steps:

1. First off, make sure you exit out of Halo Infinite without suspended it in Quick Resume.

2. Next, you need to press the Xbox button on your controller to bring up the Guide menu.

2. Switch tabs, by pressing the LB and RB buttons, into you get to “Profile & system.”

3. In the “Profile & system” tab select Settings.

4. Inside of Settings, select General from the list of available options on the left side.

5. On the right side, you then need to select the “Network settings” option.

6. After getting to the Network menu, select the “Test network connection” option. Your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X system will then test to see if there are any issues with its Internet connection.

7. If you get the “It’s all good” message, then you should be fine as long as there aren’t any issues with the Halo Infinite servers.

How to download the latest Halo Infinite patch of Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X

343 Industries has stated that they will be providing a patch for Halo Infinite that will fix the Quick Resume issues, including retroactively adding the multiplayer cosmetics back into your inventory that you should have earned.

If your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X is constantly connected online, then the new patch should be downloaded automatically if Halo Infinite is installed on your system.

If you want to manually update this game, you can take the following steps:

1. Open the Guide menu by pressing the Xbox button on your gamepad.

2. Next, scroll down to the Halo Infinite icon.

If you don’t see the icon, you can select “My games & apps” and then “See all.” In the Games menu, you should be able to find the icon.

3. With the Halo Infinite icon highlighted, press the Menu button.

4. In the small pop-up menu, select the “Manage game and add-ons” option.

5. Inside of the “Manage – Halo Infinite” menu, select Updates.

6. If there is a new patch available for download, it should show on in the “Halo Infinite – Updates” menu.

How to disable cloud saves on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X

The Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X both feature cloud storage for save files. If you want to disable this feature, then you can check out this step-by-step guide at Seeking Tech.

The only way to disable your save data from being uploaded to the cloud is by disconnecting your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X from the Xbox network (previously known as Xbox Live).

In order to do so, you need to take the following steps:

1. First off, you need to get to the Guide menu.

To go there, press the Xbox button on your Xbox Series controller. This is the flat button that has the Xbox button and should be lit up when your console is turned on.

2. Once you get to the Guide menu, navigate over to the “Profile & system” tab.

You can switch tabs with the right directional button, by pushing right on the left analog stick or by pressing the RB button.

3. After getting to the “Profile & system” tab, select “Settings” from the list.

4. Inside of the “Settings” menu, you first need to select “General” from the list of options on the left side.

5. On the same screen, you then need select the “Network settings” option on the right side.

6. In the “Network” menu, select the “Go offline” option to disconnect your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console from the Internet and, thus, the Xbox network.

With your console offline, your save files won’t be uploaded to the cloud. With that said, your console must remain offline at all times as your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X will automatically sync the data you have on your console’s solid state drive to the cloud storage every time it is connected to the Xbox network.

How to revert to older cloud saves on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X

If you want to revert from the save file located on your offline console to the older save file you have previously uploaded to the cloud, you need to first delete the save data you have stored on the SSD of your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X.

Keep in mind that you will lose all the progress you made up until the saved data you have stored on the cloud.

If you are still interested in this method, then you can take the following steps:

1. As we stated above, your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X must be disconnected from the Internet. Otherwise, the save data between the SSD and the cloud storage will be the same.

2. If you haven’t done so already, make sure you completely closed your game before starting this process.

We also recommend removing Quick Resume from the game as that feature may cause issues.

3. Press the Xbox button on the controller to bring up the “Guide” menu.

4. In the “Guide” menu, select “My games & apps.”

5. In the “My games & apps,” select “See all.”

6. In the next screen, select “Games” on the left side.

7. Next, hover over the game with the save file that you want to be reverted.

8. With the game in question highlighted, press the Menu button (this is the small button with three horizontal lines) on your controller.

9. In the pop-up menu, select “Manage game and add-ons.”

10. In the next screen, select “Saved data.”

11. You the need to select the “Delete all” option.

12. You should get a notification saying that your any un-synced save file will be permanently lost.

Here, you need to select the “DELETE All” option to continue.

13. With the save file deleted from the solid state drive of your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X, the next step is to open the “Guide” menu again by pressing the Xbox button.

14. In the “Guide” menu, navigate over to the “Profile & system” tab.

15. From the “Profile & system” tab, head into “Settings.”

16. In “Settings,” select “General” on the left side.

17. On the right side of the same screen, select “Network settings.”

18. Finally, select the “Go online” option in the “Network” menu.

19. Now you can open the game again.

The old save file should automatically downloaded from the cloud.

How to enable performance mode on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X

Most modern videogames offer multiple graphical settings on home consoles, which most likely include a performance mode that will let you play at a high frame rate.

You can check out this guide at Seeking Tech to see how you can enable higher frame rates on the Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X consoles.

How to enable performance mode for Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X games

Unlike the PlayStation 5, there is no system-wide option to enable performance mode for all games on the Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X. Instead, you have to do so on a game-by-game basis.

You can usually find the option to enable higher frame rates from the in-game menus of a game that supports multiple graphical settings. You should be able to find the performance mode, or its equivalent, in the graphics or visual settings.

How to enable performance mode for backwards compatible games on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X

Just like the native Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X games, you also have to turn on performance mode one at a time for backwards compatible Xbox One, Xbox 360 and Xbox games.

If there is an option for higher frame rate (most older games before the Xbox One generation most likely won’t offer this feature), then you will most likely find it in the in-game menus under the graphics or visual settings.

Some of the older games may also support FPS Boost, which will let you play them at a higher frame rate than they were originally designed for on the Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X consoles.

You can find a full list of FPS Boost supported games with this link.

While some games have FPS Boost enabled by default, others may not. In order to enable this feature, you need to take the following steps:

1. If you haven’t done so already, you should turn on your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console.

2. With your console powered on, press the Xbox button on your controller to open the “Guide” menu.

For the uninformed, the Xbox button has the Xbox logo and should be lit up when your controller is turned on.

3. Inside of the “Guide” menu, go down and then select “My games & apps” from the list.

4. Next, select the “See all” option.

5. In the new menu, first select “Games” from the list in the left column.

6. On the right side of the same menu, you will see the games that are currently installed on the storage of your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console.

Here, you need to navigate over to the game that you want to enable the FPS Boost feature for.

7. With that game highlighted, press the Menu button on your controller.

On the Xbox Series controller, the Menu button has three horizontal lines.

8. In the small pop-up menu, select “Manage game and add-ons.”

9. In the next screen, select “Compatibility options” on the left side.

10. Once you get to the “Manage – Compatibility options” menu, you will see the “FPS boost” setting.

If the box next to the “FPS boost” setting is empty, then it indicates that the FPS Boost feature is currently disabled for that specific game. To enable it, select the “FPS boost” setting to check the box next to it.

If you the setting is greyed out and can’t be selected, then it means that the game doesn’t not support the frames-boosting feature.

About 120 Frames Per Second and Variable Refresh Rate

Both the Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X support 120 frames per second.

Since the Xbox Series X comes with a HDMI 2.1 cable, you will be able to play games at 120 fps in up to 4K resolution.

As the Xbox Series S comes with a HDMI 2.0 cable, you can play games at 120 fps in up to 1440p resolution.

The Series S console also supports HDMI 2.1 cables; so, if you got a HDMI 2.1 cable available, you can also play games at 120 fps in 4K.

Both the Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X also support Variable Refresh Rate, which will prevent any stutters and screen tears.

With both consoles, you will need a television set or monitor that supports displaying games at 120 frames per second and with Variable Refresh Rate in order to use either or both of these display features.

How to disable the screenshot button on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X

The Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X feature a capture button where you can take screenshots and record gameplay videos.

If you find yourself accidentally hitting this button, then it may be somewhat annoying seeing the captured screenshot and cloud upload notifications appear when you are playing a game.

You can check out this step-by-step tutorial at Seeking Tech to see how you can disable the capture button.

How to disable screenshot and video captures on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X

If you don’t want to take screenshots or record videos, you can disable the capture feature on your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X by doing the following:

1. First off, press the Xbox button on your Xbox Series controller. For the uninformed, this button has the Xbox symbol and should be lit up when your system Is turned on.

2. You should be in the Guide menu. Here, you can press the right directional pad, point to the right with the left analog stick or press the RB button on your controller to navigate over to the “Capture & share” tab.

3. In this tab, select the “Capture settings” option with the A button.

4. In the “Preferences – Capture & share” menu, select the “Allow game captures” drop-down menu.

5. In the “Allow game captures” drop-down menu, select the “Don’t capture” option.

How to disable automatic cloud uploads for captures on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X

If you want to continue taking screenshots and record videos but don’t want them to be automatically uploaded to the cloud storage, you need to do the following:

1. Open the Guide menu with the Xbox button on your controller.

2. Head over to the “Capture & share” tab.

3. Select “Capture settings.”

4. Inside the “Preferences – Capture & share” menu, select the “Automatically upload” drop-down menu.

5. Finally, set the “Automatically upload” setting to “Don’t upload.”

Can you completely disable the capture/screenshot button on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X?

Unfortunately, you can’t completely disable the capture/screenshot button on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X.

Even if you disable the capture feature, you will get an error message every time you press the capture button.

How to disable screenshot and video capture notifications on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X

To get rid of the error message even if you already disable the game captures (or you want to keep taking screenshots and videos without the pop-up notifications appearing), you need to take the following steps:

1. Press the Xbox button on your controller to open the Guide menu.

2. Navigate over to the “Profile & system” tab.

3. Scroll down and select “Settings.”

4. In the “Settings” menu, select the “Preferences” option on the left side.

5. On the right side in the same menu, select the “Notification” option.

6. In the “Preferences – Notifications” menu, select the “Xbox notification” option.

7. In the “Preferences – Xbox Notifications” menu, select the “Captures” option.

8. In the “Preferences – Capture Notifications” menu, make sure the box next to the “Capture notifications on” option is unchecked.

It you see a check mark, simply select this option to disable it.

How to turn off FPS Boost on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X

FPS Boost is a new Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X feature that will increase the frame rates of older backwards compatible videogames.

While this display setting will make these games run smoother, it may come at a sacrifice of lower visual fidelity (such as a lower resolution). Not to mention that increasing the frame rate may cause bugs and glitches.

To find out how you can disable FPS Boost for a single game, you can check out this step-by-step guide from Seeking Tech.

1. To begin, turn on your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console if you haven’t done so already.

2. Next, you need to open the “Guide” menu, which you can do be pressing the Xbox button on your Xbox Series controller.

If you have a hard time finding it, the Xbox button is in the top-middle part of the controller. It has an Xbox logo and should be lit up.

3. Once you got to the “Guide” menu, navigate down and then select (with the A button on the controller) the “My games & apps” option.

4. In the next screen, you need to select the “See all” option.

5. Once you get to the new menu, you need to first select the “Games” option on the left column.

6. On the right side of the same menu, you should see the currently list of games you currently have installed on your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X system.

Navigate over to the game that you want to disable FPS Boost for.

7. With the game in question highlighted, press the Menu button on your controller.

If you have a hard time finding the Menu button, it is the small button with the symbol that features three horizontal lines.

8. If done correctly, you should open a small pop-up menu.

Here, you need to select the “Manage game and add-ons” option.

9. In the next menu, you need to select “Compatibility options” from the left side.

10. In the “Manage – Compatibility options” menu, you should see the “FPS boost” setting for that specific game.

If the box next to the setting is checked, then that means that the game is currently using the frames boosting feature. If that is the case, simply select the “FPS boost” setting to clear the box and disable it for that specific game.

If you see the “FPS boost” greyed out with an unchecked box, then it indicates that the game does not support the frames boosting feature.

How to re-enable FPS Boost on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X

If you want to re-enable FPS Boost for a game on your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console, you need to do the following:

1. Turn on your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X game console.

2. Press the Xbox button on your controller to launch the “Guide” menu.

3. Select “My games & apps.”

4. Next, select “See all.”

5. In the new menu, select “Games” from the list of options available on the left column.

6. On the right side of the same screen, hover over to the game that you want to re-enable the FPS boost feature for.

7. With that game highlighted, press the Menu button on your Xbox Series controller.

8. In the pop-up menu, select “Manage game and add-ons.”

9. In the new game-specific menu, select “Compatibility options” on the left side of the screen.

10. In the next screen, you should see the “FPS boost” setting.

If the box next to this setting is unchecked, then it indicates that FPS booster is currently disabled for that individual game. You simply need to select “FPS boost” to check the box and enable that feature.

If the “FPS boost” setting is greyed out and can’t be selected, then the game doesn’t support the frames boosting feature.

How to fix Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X controller input lag issues

When using the controller that comes with the Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X console, you may notice a long delay between your button presses and the actions that appear on your television screen or monitor.

You can check out this troubleshooting guide at Seeking Tech to see how to potentially fix the input lag issues.

Potential Fix #1: Enable Game Mode on TV

If you are playing your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X games on a television set, then the first step we recommend taking is to check to see if the TV’s game mode setting (or its equivalent) is enabled.

For the uninformed, the game mode is designed to reduce input lag when you are playing a videogame. You should be able to find this setting, if there is one available, in the menus of your television set.

Potential Fix #2: Enabling Auto Low-Latency Mode on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X

Auto Low-Latency Mode is a new feature introduced in recent television sets that will automatically change the TV’s setting to game mode when you are playing a videogame.

To use this feature, first make sure that you enable ALLM support on your monitor or TV.

You then need to enable it on the Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X by going to Settings > General > TV & display options > Video modes. Make sure that the box next to Allow auto-latency mode is checked.

Potential Fix #3: Remove Any HDMI Passthrough Devices

If you plug your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console into another device (such as a capture card or audio system) and then connect the other device to your monitor or TV, then it may cause latency issues.

So, if you want to reduce the lag, we recommend connecting your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console directly to your monitor or television set.

Potential Fix #4: Play at Higher Frame Rates

You should get lower input delay when you play a Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X game at higher frame rates.

Some modern games feature a performance mode where the frame rate is prioritized over visual fidelity. You should be able to find this visual mode in the in-game menus.

Some backwards compatible games also support FPS Boost on the Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X. This mode will let you play games at a higher frame rate than what was originally intended by the developer. To enable FPS Boost, you need to do the following:

  • Go to My games & app > Games.
  • Next, highlight the game you want to enable FPS Boost for and then press the Menu button on your controller.
  • In the pop-up menu, select Manage game and add-ons.
  • Finally, select Compatibility options.
  • Make sure that the box next to the FPS boost setting is checked.

Potential Fix #5: Variable Refresh Rate

Variable Refresh Rate is a new feature that was added to many modern televisions and monitors. In addition to removing stutters and screen tears, it will also reduce input lag for your Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X controller.

To enable VRR, you need to do the following:

  • Make sure that you enable Variable Refresh Rate support on your monitor or TV.
  • On your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console, go to Settings > General > TV & display options > Video modes.
  • Make sure that the box next to Allow variable refresh rate is checked.

Potential Fix #6: Disable Auto-HDR

Auto-HDR is an Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X feature that converts games that don’t display a HDR image into HDR. This process uses machine learning that may add extra latency to the converted games.

To disable this feature on your console, you need to take the following steps:

  • Head to Settings > General > TV & display options > Video modes.
  • Make sure that the box next to Auto HDR is unchecked.

Potential Fix #7: Download the Latest Patch for Game

A new patch for a videogame may help resolve its input lag issues. To manually update a game, you can do the following:

  • Head to My games & app > Games.
  • Highlight the game and then press the Menu button.
  • In the pop-up menu, select Manage game and add-ons.
  • Select Updates.

Potential Fix #8: Download the Latest Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X Firmware

Updating your console to the latest available firmware may also help fix your input lag problems.

To manually update your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X, go to Settings > System > Updates.

Potential Fix #9: Update Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X Controller Firmware

You can also try updating the firmware of your Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X controller, which you can do by taking the following steps:

  • Go to Settings > Devices & connections > Accessories.
  • Underneath the image of your controller, select the “…” option.
  • Select the top option to update your gamepad.

Potential Fix #10: Download the Latest Firmware for TV or Monitor

Updating the firmware for your television set or monitor may also help reduce the input delay. To update your screen, please refer to the manual provided by the manufacturer.

Potential Fix #11: Remove Bluetooth Interference

If you connected your controller to the Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console wirelessly, then the Bluetooth connection may be causing the input latency.

To avoid potential interference, you should make sure that your controller has a direct line of sight to the console as there should be no physical object in between the two.

Furthermore, you should avoid having any other wireless devices (such as Wi-Fi router and Bluetooth headphones) near your controller and game console.

Finally, you can also try moving the gamepad closer to the Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X system to get a better Bluetooth connection.

Potential Fix #11: Use Wired Connection

You can also try not using Bluetooth altogether and just connect your controller to your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console via a USB cable.

For a wired connection, you will need a USB-C to USB-A cable.

Connect the USB-C end of the cable to the USB-C port of the controller and then the USB-A end of the cable to a USB-A port of the game console. The wired connection should automatically be enabled when the system is turned on.

Where to find a full list of Xbox Game Pass games on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X

Finding a full list of videogames available in the Xbox Game Pass or Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription plan can be a little bit tricky, especially if you aren’t familiar with the user interface of the Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X.

If you are having trouble finding the location of these titles, then you can check out this step-by-step tutorial from Seeking Tech.

Before we begin, it is important to note that you will need to be a member of Xbox Game Pass or Xbox Game Pass Ultimate.

If you aren’t subscribed, then you can purchase the subscription for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, which includes more games and perks than the standard Xbox Game Pass, on Amazon with this link. (#CommissionsEarned).

How to find a full list of Game Pass/Game Pass Ultimate games on Xbox Series S and X

In order to find the full list of Xbox Game Pass or Xbox Game Pass Ultimate games on your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console, you need to take the following steps:

1. If you haven’t done so already, turn on your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console.

2. After the console has been turned on, press the Xbox button on your Xbox Series controller.

This button has the Xbox logo and should be lit up.

3. If done correctly, you should open the Guide sidebar menu.

Here, you need to select the Game Pass icon at the very bottom. It should be located in between Notifications and Store.

4. Inside the Game Pass menu, you need to select the “Show all” option from the menu.

You may need to scroll down a little bit from the top banners to find that option.

5. In this new screen, you should find the full list of Xbox Game Pass or Xbox Game Pass Ultimate videogames that can be downloaded and played on your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console.

6. To download an Xbox Game Pass or Xbox Game Pass Ultimate game, select it from this list. On the next screen, select the Install option.

7. To add an Xbox Game Pass or Xbox Game Pass Ultimate game to a “Play Later” list, hover over to that game and then press the X button.

You can find the “Play Later” list in the same section as the “Show all” option from the aforementioned Game Pass menu.

How to find a full list of Game Pass/Game Pass Ultimate games on PC or mobile

In order to find a full list of videogames that are included with the Xbox Game Pass or Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on a PC or mobile device, you simply need to visit this page from the official Xbox website.

In the aforementioned page, you can sort to view Console games or PC games. On the left side, you can also sort the listing based on the following criteria:


  • All
  • Most popular
  • Collections
  • All
  • Most popular
  • Recently added C
  • Coming soon
  • 20 Years of Xbox
  • Leaving soon
  • Optimized for Xbox Series X|S
  • Bethesda Softworks
  • EA Play
  • ID@Xbox
  • Family friendly
  • Play day one

Play on:

  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Xbox One
  • Windows PC
  • Android phones & tablets
  • Apple phones & tablets


  • Download
  • Cloud Inputs


  • Touch controls


  • Indie
  • Strategy
  • Classics
  • Shooters
  • Sports
  • Action & Adventure
  • Platformers
  • Puzzle


  • Smart Delivery
  • 4K
  • HDR
  • Online multiplayer
  • Local multiplayer
  • Online co-op
  • Local co-op

Maturity rating:

  • Everyone
  • Everyone 10+
  • Teen
  • Mature 17+

On the top right side, you can also use the sorting option. You can sort based on the newest available in addition to ascending or descending alphabetical order.

Finally, you can use the bottom options to view the next page of Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate games.

There is also an option on the bottom right to change how many games gets shown per page. You can choose to show 20 games, 50 games, 100 games or 200 games at a time.

Where to find your games on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X

Finding your games on the Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X can be a little tricky if you are not familiar with the menus as both consoles will only display a small list of the most recent software titles that you have played in the Home menu.

If you having a hard time finding your games on these new Microsoft gaming systems, then you can check out this step-by-step tutorial from Seeking Tech.

Finding the “My games and apps” menu

The full list of games you have on your Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X, as well as the games you have attached to your Xbox Live/Xbox Network account, can be found in the “My games and apps” menu.

There are two ways to get to this menu.

The first method is from the Home menu as you should find “My games and apps” on the second row.

The second method is from the Guide menu. You can get to the Guide menu by pressing the Xbox button, which is the big button located on the top middle on your controller. In the Guide menu, you should see “My games and apps” on the second row. Select “My games and apps” and then “See all.”

Where are your installed games on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X?

Once you are in the “My games and apps” menu, you can take the following steps to find your installed games:

1. On the left side of the “My games and apps” menu, select Games.

2. On the right side of the same menu, you will see a list of games you have currently installed on the system.

If you have a lot of games, then you can use the sort, filter and search options at the top.

You can sort your games based on the following criteria:

  • A – Z
  • Group by letter
  • Group by console type
  • Sort by Size
  • Sort by last used
  • Sort by last update

You also have the following filter options:

Console Types:

  • All console types
  • Optimized for Xbox Serie X/S games
  • Xbox One X Enhanced games
  • Xbox One games
  • Xbox 360 & Xbox games

Number of Players:

  • Any number of players
  • Local multiplayer
  • Online multiplayer
  • Local co-op
  • Online co-op


  • Any genre
  • Action & adventure
  • Card & board
  • Classics
  • Educational
  • Family & kids
  • Fighting
  • Multi-player online battle arena
  • Music
  • Other
  • Platformer
  • Puzzle & trivia
  • Racing & flying
  • Role-playing
  • Shooter
  • Simulation
  • Sports
  • Strategy

How to find your games that are not installed on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X

To find games you have attached to your Xbox Live/Xbox Network account that are not currently installed on your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console, you can do the following:

1. On the left side of the “My games and apps” menu, select the “Full library” option.

2. On the right side of the same menu, select the “All owned games” option.

3. In the “Full library- All owned games” menu, you should see all the digital games you have attached to your Xbox Live account. The list includes the software titles you have purchased in addition to the free games you have downloaded.

4. If you have a lot of games, you can use the top options to sort, filter and search.

How to find Game Pass, EA Play, Games with Gold on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X

In order to find games from subscription services such as Xbox Game Pass, EA Play and Games with Gold, you can try taking the following steps:

1. Return to the aforementioned “My games and apps” menu and then select “Full library” from the options available on the left side.

2. In the “Full library” menu, you will see options for Xbox Game Pass, EA Play and Games with Gold.

Select the subscription service that your games are tied to.

3. In the “Full library – Game Pass games,” “Full library – EA Play games” and “Full library – Games with Gold” menu, you can also use the sort, filter and search options to find the game you are looking for.

How to turn off Auto HDR on Xbox Series S and X

With the Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X, Microsoft added Auto HDR. This feature is designed to convert videogames that don’t display a HDR image (also known as a SDR image) into a HDR image. To take advantage of Auto HDR, you will need to connect your console to a television set that can supports the HDR10 format.

If you use this feature, then your non-HDR games will look different. Some games may look better than before while others will look worse than the original image.

If you believe that Auto HDR is making the videogames you are playing on the Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console look worse than before, then you can check out this step-by-step tutorial from Seeking Tech to see how you can disable this display feature.

How to disable Auto HDR for a single game on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X

In order to turn off Auto HDR for just a single game on your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X console, you need to take the following steps:

1. To begin, you need to press the Xbox button on your Xbox Series controller to bring up the “Guide” menu.

For the uninformed, the Xbox button has the Xbox logo and should be lit up.

2. Once you get to the “Guide” menu, select “My games & apps” by using the A button on your controller.

3. In the next screen, select “See all.”

4. In the next menu, select “Games” from the left column.

5. You then need to hover over the game that you want to disable Auto HDR for.

6. With the game in question highlighted, press the Menu button on your controller.

For the uninformed, the Menu button is the small buttons with three horizontal lines.

7. In the new pop-up menu, select “Manage game and add-ons.”

8. In the next screen, select “Compatibility options” on the left side.

9. Finally, you should see the Auto HDR setting for that specific game in the next menu.

If the box next to that setting has a check mark, then that indicates that Auto HDR is currently enabled.

To disable it, simply select that setting to uncheck the box.

If you are currently playing the same game you are trying to disable Auto HDR for, then you will get a notification to quit the game in order to apply the new display setting.

How to disable Auto HDR for all games on Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X

To turn of Auto HDR for all non-HDR videogames on your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X system, you need to do the following:

1. Press the Xbox button to use the “Guide” quick menu.

2. In the “Guide” menu, switch taps until you get to “Profile & system.”

For the uninformed, you can use the directional pad, analog stick or LB/RB shoulder buttons to switch tabs.

3. After navigating over to the “Profile & system” tab, you need to select “Settings.”

4. Inside the “Settings” menu, select “General” from the list of options available on the left column.

5. On the right side of the same screen, you then need to select “TV & display options.”

6. Once you get to the “General – TV & display options” menu, you need to select “Video modes.”

7. Lastly, you should see the Auto HDR setting from the “General – Video modes” menu.

If the box next to the setting is checked, then it indicates that Auto HDR is enabled for all non-HDR games (with the exception of games that were manually disabled for using this display feature by you using the first tutorial in this guide).

To disable Auto HDR altogether on your Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X, simply select Auto HDR to remove the check mark.

If you are currently playing a non-HDR game, then you may need to close and then restart a game to remove the Auto HDR effects.