How to use the Xbox Series X and S thumbstick recalibration tool

Microsoft has updated the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles with a new thumbstick recalibration tool. If the analogs of your controller doesn’t not seem quite right, then you can check out this guide to see how you can use this feature.

1. If you haven’t done so already, make sure you have the latest firmware installed on your console.

2. Next, you need to head over to the Settings app of your Series X or Series S.

3. From there, make your way over to Devices & connections > Controller & headsets.

4. On the Xbox Accessories menu, select the “…” option on the controller that you want to recalibrate.

5. You can then select “Recalibrate option,” which has the following description:

Here is where you can test the performance of your thumbsticks and recalibrate them if necessary, If you replaced your thumbstick, you can recalibrate here as well.

6. If you are asked to update your controller, follow the instructions on screen and then select the Update Now option.

7. On the next screen, you should be able to choose to calibrate either the left analog stick or right analog stick.

8. You should then follow the instructions on the screen to calibrate your analog.

How to change the voice language in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Dragon’s Dogma 2 support both English and Japanese voice overs. To see how you can switch between the two in this action role-playing game, you can check out this tutorial at Seeking Tech.

1. To start off, make your way over to the Options menu.

2. From there, select Language on the left column.

3. On the right side of the same menu, move the cursor down to Voice Language. You should see the following description:

Change the voice playback language.

4. Switch the language and then exit.

5. When asked if you want to save the change you just made, select Yes.

The voice acting should now be switched over to your preferred language.

How to fix Final Fantasy XIV Online login issues on Xbox

When trying to play Final Fantasy XIV Online, you may not be able to get past the login screen. Instead, you may get the following error even if you entered you login information correctly:

ID or password is incorrect.

To see how you can potentially fix your issue, you can take a look at this guide at Seeking Tech.

1. If you haven’t done so already, try to login in again.

2. You can also try resetting your password to see if doing so will get you signed in.

3. If you already played Final Fantasy XIV on another platform, then you won’t be able to use the same Square Enix account during the open beta. You can read more about the limitations below (via the official Final Fantasy XIV website):

Players who already have the Free Trial version for a different platform or a FINAL FANTASY XIV license registered to their Square Enix account will be unable to participate in the open beta test. We ask any players, who wish to play FINAL FANTASY XIV on Xbox with an existing Square Enix account and its associated characters, to please wait until the full Xbox launch after the open beta test concludes.

To play on Xbox, you will need to link your Xbox account and Square Enix account. You will not be able to unlink the accounts once linked. We ask that existing players please wait until the official release to link your Square Enix account to your Xbox account.

If you simply want to try the game out, then you can create new Square Enix and Xbox Live accounts. Otherwise, you can wait until the full game releases.

How to automatically run in Unicorn Overlord

By default, you have to hold down on a button in order to run in the overworld. If you want the characters to automatically run instead, then you can check out this guide at Seeking Tech.

1. Open the Options menu in the game.

2. From there, scroll down until you get to the Overworld section.

3. You should find the Auto-Run option here. Make sure you change it to On. You should see the following description if you do:

Run at all times, even when the run button is not pressed.

4. Exit the Options menu.

You should no longer have to press down on run button in order to sprint in Unicorn Overlord.

How to automatically pause in Unicorn Overlord

By default, the enemies will start moving once you enter a stage in Unicorn Overlord. To see how you can automatically pause at the beginning of the level, you can take a look at this tutorial at Seeking Tech.

1. Head over to the Options menu if you haven’t done so already.

2. From there, move the cursor down to the Stage section.

3. Make sure you set Auto-Pause at Start of Stage to On.

The action should now be paused at the beginning of each level in Unicorn Overlord.

How to change voice language in Unicorn Overlord

Unicorn Overlord supports both English and Japanese voice overs. To see how you can change the voice language in this tactical role-playing game, you can check out this guide at Seeking Tech.

1. Head to the Options menu.

2. In the System section, look for the Voice language setting.

3. Change it to your preferred language.

4. You can then exit the menus.

When you start playing Unicorn Overlord again, the voice acting should now be in your preferred language.

How to change aiming style in Contra: Operation Galuga

Contra: Operation Galuga supports two different aiming styles. If you have a hard time aiming with one method, then you can try using the other. In order to do so, you can check out this guide at Seeking Tech.

1. Head over to the Options menu if you haven’t done so already. This can be done from the title screen or pause screen.

2. In Options, move the cursor down to Aiming Style.

3. You can then switch between the two styles: 360 Aim or 8 Directions.

4. Once you are done, exit the Options menu and then return to the game.

If you need to change the aiming style again, head back to the Options screen.

What’s the difference between the Outcast: A New Beginning difficulty modes?

Outcast: A New Beginning features four difficulty modes. So, what are the main differences between Story, Easy, Normal and Hard? You can find out in this article from Seeking Tech.

Story Mode

The story mode is the easiest difficulty in the game. By using this setting, combat will be a breeze and most of the encounters can be completed very quickly. It is designed for those who only want to play Outcast: A New Beginning for the story.

Easy Mode

Easy Mode should be a little bit harder than Story Mode but should pose little challenge. Your attacks are stronger while you should take less damage. Aiming your weapon should be easier as well. This is designed for players who want to beat a vast majority of the encounters on their first try.

Normal Mode

Normal Mode is how the developer intends for players to play this game. You should expect some challenge and may even die several times.

Hard Mode

This is the most difficult mode. The enemies take more damage to be defeated while they deal more in return. They also are a lot more alert. Last but not least, you are required to be more accurate with your aim.

How to fix controller aiming issues in Outcast: A New Beginning

If you seem to have a hard time aiming with a controller in Outcast: A New Beginning, then you can check out this guide at Seeking Tech to see how you can potentially fix your issue.

1. To start off, make sure that your controller is connected to your console or PC. This is because a wired connection is better than a wireless one when it comes to input lag.

On the PlayStation 5, you need to go to Settings > Accessories > Controller (General) > Communication Method and then make sure that “Use USB cable” is selected.

2.You should also check to see if you have Game Mode enabled on your TV or monitor as this picture settings should also lower the latency for Outcast: A New Beginning and other games.

3. Furthermore, you can open the in-game menu and then head over to Settings > Gameplay. There, move the cursor down to Camera Sensitivity.

With this setting, you can change the sensitivity of the right analog stick. Move the slider to the left to make the right analog less sensitive or to the right to make it more sensitive.

4. On the same screen, you can scroll down to Aim Assistance. You can use this setting to adjust the auto aim in the game.

How to change the field of view in Outcast: A New Beginning

If you find the camera to be too close in Outcast: A New Beginning, then you can move it back. To see how you can change the field of view in this third-person action game, you can take a look at this tutorial from Seeking Tech.

1. To start off, you need to open the in-game menu.

2. From there, navigate over to the Settings screen.

3. In the Settings section, make sure you are in the Gameplay tab.

4. You should be able to find the FOV slider there.

The default value is 70. You will be able to adjust it from a range of 40 to 100.

5. Exit the menus and return to gameplay to test out the new FOV. You can return to the same Settings > Gameplay screen to make any additional adjustments.