How to enable gyro aiming in Dragon’s Dogma 2

If you are playing Dragon’s Dogma 2 with a controller, then you may want to enable gyro aiming. To find out how you can properly do so, you can take a look at this tutorial from Seeking Tech.

1. Open the pause menu and then head into System.

2. Next, you need to select Camera.

3. Scroll down until you get to Motion Sensor Function. You should see the following description:

Select whether to use the motion sensor function when aiming a bow or other weapon.

4. Make sure that the Motion Sensor Function setting is set to On.

How to adjust the field of view in Dragon’s Dogma 2

If you want to adjust the field of view in Dragon’s Dogma 2, then you can check out this Seeking Tech guide.

1. Start by opening the pause menu and then selecting the System option.

2. You then need to select Camera.

3. Scroll down until you get to Camera Distance.

4. You can use the slider to adjust the field of view. Moving it to the right will move the camera further back, while moving it to the left will bring the camera closer.

On the right side, you should see a preview of the camera angle.

5. Once you are done, exit he pause menu and return to playing the game.

How to disable adaptive triggers in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Dragon’s Dogma 2 will automatically enabled adaptive triggers if you are playing the game with a DualSense controller. To see how you can disable the resistance from the L2 and R2 buttons, you can take a look at this tutorial from Seeking Tech.

1. Open the pause menu and then select System.

2. In the System menu, select Controls.

3. You should find the Adaptive Triggers option in the next screen with the following description:

Select whether or not to enable the trigger effect function when aiming the bow.

4. Make sure that Adaptive Triggers option is set to Off.

How to fix brightness issues in Dragon’s Dogma 2

If you find certain areas in Dragon’s Dogma 2 to be too dark, while others to be too bright, then you can check out this guide at Seeking Tech to see how you can potentially fix this issue.

1. If you are playing in HDR, then you can try re-calibrating the HDR brightness output.

On the PlayStation 5, you can do so by going to the Settings menu of the console and then heading over to Screen and Video > Video Output > Adjust HDR.

If you are playing Dragon’s Dogma 2 on Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S, go to the console’s Settings menu and then select Settings > General > TV & display options > Calibrate HDR for games.

Follow the on-screen instructions to calibrate the HDR brightness.

2. There is also a brightness slider that you can use in the game. To find it, open the Options menu and then select Display > Brightness.

On the next screen, you will be able to adjust the in-game brightness. Follow the on-screen instructions to change the slider until the black box is barely visible.

3. You can also try playing the game with HDR disabled. To do so, disable HDR on the system’s settings menu as well as your TV settings menu.

How to change the voice language in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Dragon’s Dogma 2 support both English and Japanese voice overs. To see how you can switch between the two in this action role-playing game, you can check out this tutorial at Seeking Tech.

1. To start off, make your way over to the Options menu.

2. From there, select Language on the left column.

3. On the right side of the same menu, move the cursor down to Voice Language. You should see the following description:

Change the voice playback language.

4. Switch the language and then exit.

5. When asked if you want to save the change you just made, select Yes.

The voice acting should now be switched over to your preferred language.