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How to turn off cross play in Naraka Bladepoint

By default, cross-platform play is enabled is Naraka: Bladepoint as players on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X are able to match up with each other.

If you want an even playing field in this battle royale game, then you might want to consider turning off cross-play. If you are interested in disabling this feature, then you can take a look at this tutorial from Seeking Tech.

1. For the first step, you need to open the in-game menu.

If you are playing with a PlayStation controller such as the DualSense or DualShock 4, then you can do so by pressing and holding the Options button.

If you are playing with an Xbox controller such as the Xbox One or Xbox Series gamepads, then you need to press and hold the Menu button.

2. In the pop-up menu that appears in the middle of the screen, you then need to select Setting.

3. Once you get to the Setting menu, select use the L1 and R1 buttons on the PlayStation controller or LB or RB buttons on the Xbox controller to make your way to the Gameplay tab.

4. The top option in the Gameplay tab should be Cross-Platform Game Switch.

5. Make sure that the Cross-Platform Game Switch setting is set to Off.

6. If you try to disable cross-play on the Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X of Naraka Bladepoint, then you won’t be able to do so from the in-game menu.

Instead, you need to open the Settings menu of your Xbox console and then select Account > Privacy & online safety > Xbox privacy > View details & customize > Communication & multiplayer.

From the “Account – Communication & multiplayer for [your Xbox Live username]” menu, make sure that the “You can join cross-network play” setting is set to Block.