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How to fix the Koboh elevator glitch in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

When playing Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, you may end up falling through an elevator. If you try to take the same lift again, you will notice that the top is completely sealed, making it impossible to progress through this area and continue on with the campaign.

To see how you can fix this elevator glitch in this action-adventure title, you can check out this troubleshooting guide from Seeking Tech.

This soft-locking bug occurs in the Align Arrays at Koboh Control Center mission at the Alignment Control Center on Koboh. As we previously stated, your character may fall through the floor when you are riding a lift upwards.

When you respawn and take the same elevator again, you will find the top closed. Once the elevator reaches that point, your character will clip through the floor and fall down again. Even if you managed to clip your way through the seal, you may find that none of the objects in the new room can be interacted with.

You can find a video clip of this soft lock below (via the kuku kachew YouTube channel):

How to fix

According to a member of the development team, the elevator glitch should be fixed with the next patch update. You can find an explanation as to how the glitch occurred below (via the EA Answers HQ website):

Hello all, a fix has been submitted to stop the player from falling through again – should be in the next patch. I’m really sorry about this, it is a complicated setup with several dynamics attached to each other and there were several bugs involving it that were fixed that were also causing issues. It looks like this is caused by a single flag on the hatch doors for the central elevator that was missed. Next patch should have a fix to stop the player from being able to fall through the elevator so it doesn’t happen again.

And for those of you that did fall through and are stuck, the hatch doors at the top of the elevator should be open to allow you to take the elevator into the control center, and interact with the console to trigger the cinematic to progress the game.

Again really sorry about this – thank you

Once the new patch has gone live, you should make sure you download it on your PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 5 Digital Edition, Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X before you start up Star Wars Jedi Survivor.