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How to enable and disable fast scrolling on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S

You can use the fast scrolling feature to quickly move through a menu on your Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. To see how you can enable, as well as disable, this feature, you can take a look at this tutorial from Seeking Tech.

How to turn on fast scrolling on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S

In order to enable fast scrolling on your console, you can try either of the two following methods:

Method #1:

For the first method, you can simply hold the left analog stick or one of the direction button.

Initially, you will only move once space; if you keep holding the same analog position or button for more than one second, however, then fast scroll should automatically activate.

Method #2:

You can bypass the one second wait to activate fast scrolling. In order to do so, you need to press down on the right analog stick and then use either the left analog stick or directional pad to scroll. The fast scrolling feature should work immediately.

How to turn off fast scrolling on Series X and Series S

If you want to turn off fast scrolling on your system, then you can try the following methods:

Method #1:

The first method you can try is to avoid holding down on the right analog stick when you are moving the left analog stick or pressing the directional pad buttons. Otherwise, the fast scrolling feature will automatically be enabled.

Method #2:

For the second method, you should avoid holding the left analog stick in the same direction, as well as holding down on a directional pad button, for more than one second. If you keep holding, then fast scrolling will be activated.

Method #3:

You should also make sure that your left analog stick and directional pad are clean as stick buttons may cause the fast scrolling to turn on.

Furthermore, you should also make sure that the left analog isn’t suffering from any drifting problems.