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Find every chest and hidden item in Final Fantasy VI

This Seeking Tech guide will help you find every treasure chest and hidden item in Final Fantasy VI. The game has around 214 chests in total, to go along with 50 hidden items. Many of these can be missable.

You can use the following video walkthrough I made as a reference:

Narshe (1st Visit) – When you wake up as Terra, you will be able to get the 1 hidden item on the clock.

Narshe Mines (1st Visit) – While you can get 2 treasures in the Narshe Mines in the beginning, you may want to leave the chest to the north of the save point unopened until the World of Ruin. By doing so, you will get a Guard Bracelet instead of a Phoenix Down.

Narshe (2nd Visit) – When more of Narshe becomes accessible in the beginning, go to the school in the south to get 3 chests to go along with 1 more hidden item.

Fiagro Castle (1st Visit) – You can get 4 chests on your first visit to Fiagro Castle.

South Fiagro Cave – There are 3 chests in total. While you can get them all, you may want to wait until the World of Ruin in order to open the first one as you will be rewarded with a Hero’s Ring instead of Ether.

South Fiagro (1st Visit) – area has 1 hidden item. You can find 8 hidden items during your first visit to South Fiagro.

Duncan’s Cabin – This small area has 1 hidden item.

Mt. Kolts – There are 4 missable chests in Mt. Kolts. This dungeon will be gone in the World of Ruin.

The Returner’s Hideout – This location has 6 missable chests and 1 missable hidden item. The hideout will disappear in the World of Ruin.

Narshe Mines (2nd Visit) – While you can get 1 chest during your second visit to the Narshe Mines, you may want to wait until the World of Ruin to open it. If you do, you will be able to get Ribbon instead of Rune Blade.

South Fiagro (2nd Visit) – When playing as Locke, you can get 13 treasures and 2 hidden items in South Fiagro.

Imperial Camp – Imperial Camp is a one-time location with 4 missable chests. Before heading to the southern bridge, grab the first one on the tent to the right by kicking it open. If you don’t get it before heading south, then you will be locked out.

The other 3 can be accessed to the left side of the map once you beat Kefka for the first time. You will be locked out of these 3 chests when you beat Kefka for the third time at the camp.

Doma Castle (1st Visit) – You can get 1 hidden item when you take control of Cyan in Doma Castle.

Phantom Train – The Phantom Train has 5 missable chests and 2 missable hidden items. The hidden item located on the rightmost cart can no longer be accessed when you detach a part of the train. While there is a 6th chest available, it is not officially counted. You should still open it for an optional boss fight. You won’t be to return to this area when you head to the engine room at the front of the train.

Mobliz (1st Visit) – You can get 1 hidden item during your first visit to Mobliz.

Serpent Trench – The two missable chests in the Serpent Trench will be gone if you don’t grab them before the World of Ruin.

Nikeah (1st Visit) – When you wash up in Nikeah, you will be able to get 1 hidden item.

Narshe (3rd Visit) – When your party is reunited, you can find 6 more chests and 1 hidden item in Narshe.

Kohlingen – In Kohlingen, you can find 1 chest and 1 hidden item.

Dragon Neck’s Cabin – The Dragon Neck’s Cabin has 1 hidden item.

Jidoor – Jidoor has 1 hidden item you can pick up.

Zozo – You can find 7 chests and 1 hidden item in Zozo.

Albrook (1st Visit) – On your first visit to Albrook, you can grab 2 chests and 3 hidden items.

Miranda – Miranda has 2 hidden items.

Magitek Factory – There are 12 missable chests in the Magitek Factory. Make sure you open them all before you drop down to the B2 floor, which is the point of no return.

Magitek Research Facility – Magitek Factory directly leads into the Magitek Research Facility, which has 1 missable chest. Make sure you grab this well-hidden treasure from this small area before you move on.

Narshe (4th Visit) – After the Magitek Research Facility, you should be able to open the 1 remaining chest in Narshe. Doing so will unlock a sidequest where you can end up adding Mog to your party.

Cave to the Sealed Gate – You need to find 14 missable chests and 4 missable hidden items before heading to the B4 floor in the Cave to the Sealed Gate.

Imperial Palace – The Imperial Palace had 5 hidden items. You will also need to play through this section correctly in order to gain access to more missable chests later at the Imperial Observation Post.

Imperial Observation Post – If you did well enough during the banquet in the Imperial Palace, then you should be able to get the 12 missable chests and 1 hidden item at the Imperial Observation Post.

Albrook (2nd Visit) – When joining Leo in Albrook, you can get 1 hidden item.

Thamasa/Burning Home – You will be able to get 6 hidden items in Thamasa. 5 of them will be accessbile when you enter the town. During the Burning Home event, you also need to get 2 missable chests before rescuing Relm. Afterwards, grab the final hidden item in Relm’s room.

Esper Cave – The Esper Cave has 4 missable chests that will disappear along with the dungeon in the World of Ruin.

Doma Castle (2nd Visit) – When you visit the Doma Castle after it has been liberated, you will be able to get 4 chests and 1 hidden item.

Floating Continent – The Floating Continent is the last location you can visit before the World of Ruin. Make sure you grab the missable chests from the earlier locations before you enter this dungeon. This location also has 4 missable chests that you need to get before leaving. You must get the first 3 before fighting Ultima Weapon. The last chest is found during the escape sequence. When you see it, go down and around instead of directly east to open it. If you go directly east instead, then the ground leading to the chest will collapse.

Tzen/Crumbling House – During the Crumbling House event in Tzen, grab the 8 missable chests before rescuing the trapped child.

Fiagro Castle – When you return to the Fiagro Castle in the World of Ruin, you will be able to find 4 chests and 1 hidden item.

Darill’s Tomb – In Darill’s Tomb, you can find 5 chests and 1 hidden item.

Owzer’s Mansion – There are 6 chests in the Owzer’s Mansion.

Mt. Zozo – You will be able to get 6 chests at Mt. Zozo.

Mobliz (World of Ruin) – When you return to Mobilz in the World or Ruin, you can find 2 hidden items.

Cave on the Veldt – The Cave on the Veldt has 3 chests you can open.

Narshe Mines (World of Ruin) – When you return to the Narshe Mines in the World of Ruin to recruit Mog, you will be able to find 1 hidden item.

Yeti’s Cave – You can find 3 chests when you visit Yeti’s Cave to recruit Umaro.

Phoenix Cave – The Phoenix Cave has 9 chests that you can find. This location can be tricky to navigate, especially if you want to find all the treasures.

Zone Eater’s Belly – When you get inside of the Zone Eater’s Belly, you will be able to open 9 chests. I recommend using the quick save feature of the Pixel Remaster to help get you through some of the traps of the dungeon.

Dreamscape/Phantom Train – During the Phantom Train sequence in the Dreamscape, there are 5 missable chests. You will need to grab all 5 chests before using the lever on the front cart.

Cave to the Ancient Castle – The cave leading to the Ancient Castle has 6 chests to pick up.

Ancient Castle – The Ancient Castle has 4 chests and 1 hidden item to get. This should be the last hidden item in the game if you have been following this guide in order.

Cultist’s Tower – There are 6 chests available in the Cultist’s Tower. The chest located on the 39th floor will lead to a tough boss fight. So, make sure you are prepared before leaving the room. For the fight, you may need to use Arise in order to survive the Ultima attack that will be unleashed by the Magic Masher at the end.

Kefka’s Tower – The final dungeon in the game, Kefka’s Tower, has 16 chests that you can find. If you get too far in the dungeon, then you may lock yourself out of the earlier rooms. In this case, you can use the Teleport spell or Warp Stone to get out of the dungeon.