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Jeanne d’Arc Branching Path: La Charité or Saint-Pierre-le-Moutier?

After the 18th stage of the campaign in Jeanne d’Arc, you will get your first branching path of the game.

Path A: La Charité 

If you choose Path A, then you will be able to recruit Rose to your party. T

his thief is similar to Colet since she can steal skill stones from enemies, in addition to being able to identify hidden treasures on the battlefield. She also has a whip weapon that lets her attack at unique angles along with being the most mobile character.

If you are planning to get the platinum trophy, then she can help reduce a lot of the grind needed.

Path B: Saint-Pierre-le-Moutier

If you choose Path B, then you will be able to recruit Claire.

She is virtually identical to Richard when it comes to the Magic Attack and Magic Defense stats. While she does have a higher MP pool, she won’t be able to transform like Richard.

If you would like to have two magic users in your party, then you can get Claire instead of Rose.

You can find a video showcasing both paths below: