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WH-1000XM5 touch controls guide

The Sony WH-1000XM5 features a touch sensor control panel that you can use to adjust its output volume as well as control media playback. To see how you can utilize the touch controls of the wireless headset, you can check out this guide at Seeking Tech.

How to use the WH-1000XM5 touch panel to play or pause media

In order to use the WH-1000XM5 to play or pause media, you need to double tap the touch panel, which is located outside of the right ear cup.

How to use the WH-1000XM5 touch panel to skip to the next track of playlist

In order to skip to the next track of a playlist with the wireless headphones, you need to swipe from the back of the touch panel to the front.

How to use the WH-1000XM5 touch panel to go back to the beginning of the track

If you want to go back to the beginning of a track, then you need to swipe from the front of the touch panel to the back.

How to use the WH-1000XM5 touch panel to fast forward

To fast forward using the touch panel of the WH-1000XM5, you need to swipe from the back to the front and then hold. It may take a little bit of time for the fast-forwarding process to start. Once you reach the desired point of the track, you can let go of the panel.

How to use the WH-1000XM5 touch panel to fast reverse

To fast reverse to an earlier point of the track, you have to swipe from the front to the back of the touch panel and then hold. The fast-reversing process may also take some time to get started. Once you get to the point of the track that you want, then you can let go of the panel to resume playback.

How to use the WH-1000XM5 touch panel to increase volume

In order to increase volume when using the WH-1000XM5, you need to swipe from the bottom of the touch sensor control panel to the top.

You can repeat the swiping motion to get to the desired volume level.

Alternatively, you can swipe from the bottom to the top and then hold in order to get the headset to continuously increase its volume level. Once you get to your desired volume level, you can let go of the touch panel.

How to use the WH-1000XM5 touch panel to lower volume

In order to lower the volume for your Sony WH-1000XM5, you need to swipe from the top of the touch sensor control panel to the bottom.

You can do this swiping motion repeatedly until you get to the volume level you wanted.

Alternatively, you can swipe from the top to the bottom and the hold. This method will make the headset lower its volume continuously until you let go of the touch panel.

If you are running into problems when trying to use the touch sensor control panel of the Sony WH-1000XM5 wireless headphones, then you can check out this troubleshooting article.