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How to loosen sticky PlayStation VR2 Sense Controller analog and buttons

You may notice that the analog stick and/or buttons of the Left or Right PlayStation VR2 Sense Controller may feel stuck or sticky. To see how you can loosen these inputs, you can take a look at this troubleshooting article from Seeking Tech.

1. For the first step, you can use a lint-free cleaning cloth to remove any dust, dirt and other substances that may have been causing the analog or buttons to become sticky.

If you are having a hard time removing some of the dirt or substances, then you can try using 99.9% isopropyl alcohol. These solutions are safe for electronics as they dry much faster than water.

If you are looking for a product, then we suggest getting the MG Chemicals 824 99.9% Isopropyl Alcohol Electronics Cleaner for the PS VR2 Sense controllers, which you can find on Amazon with this link. (#CommissionsEarned).

2. If the analog or buttons are still stuck, then you can try soaking a Q-Tip with isopropyl alcohol and then cleaning the outer edge of the stuck button or analog stick.

Try to see if you can get a little bit of the solution to drop down the opening so that the liquid will loosen any debris.

3. You can also use a compressed air canister to blow into the outer edge of the sticky or stuck analog or button of the PlayStation VR2 Sense Controller.

4. If none of the aforementioned steps have worked so far, then you can try applying some pressure.

In order to do so, press down hard on the analog or button with your thumb. Next, rotate the analog or button clockwise and clockwise a couple of times to see if you are able to loosen it.

5. If the analog or button remains stuck, then you might want to consider taking the controller apart to see if you are able to clean the insides. This is a more advanced method that we don’t recommend doing if you aren’t familiar with taking electronics apart, cleaning it and then reassembling the parts.

If you are still interested in doing so, then you can check out the following official tear down video of the PlayStation VR2 Sense Controller below:

6. If you don’t want to take the controller apart, then you should send it in to be repaired or replaced. You most likely need to send in your entire PlayStation VR2 unit if you are asking Sony to do the repair.