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How to get HP Recovery 3 before Stage 20 in Jeanne d’Arc

This tutorial will explain how you can get HP Recovery III early in Jeanne d’Arc.

On the 13th stage of the campaign, you will encounter the Troll. This enemy holds the HP Recovery skill stone which recovers your HP at the start of every turn.

Although you can find one Troll in the Free Combat version of Bogs of Vermonde, I recommend that you play through the story until you beat the 19th stage. Doing so will unlock the Paris Ramparts as a Free Combat level.

This level has two Ogres that you can steal from. Before the battle, make sure you equip the Skill Shakedown ability to Colet. If you have Rose in your party, make sure she has Skill Snatcher equipped as well.

At the start of this fight, you should let the enemy come to your party on the first two rounds. Afterwards, try to defeat the non-Ogre enemies by using Transformations and Godspeed.

With the other enemies out of the way, you can then focus on stealing HP Recovery from the Ogres. Keep in mind that the Ogres may drop the skill stone when defeated as well.

The amount of HP Recovery stones you get is random. I’ve got as many as four per run. There have also been runs where I ended up with nothing.

If you managed to get at least 4 HP Recovery stones, then you will be able to bind them to get HP Recovery III.