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How to enable the spawn menu in Teardown

Normally, the spawn menu can only be enabled in the sandbox mode of Teardown. By enabling a setting in the Options menu, however, you will be able to use this feature in other modes.

To see how you can do so in this demolition game, you can check out this tutorial at Seeking Tech.

1. If you haven’t done so already, you need to open the Options menu in Teardown.

2. From there, you need to switch over to the Game tab. Switch tabs can be down with the L1 and R1 or LB and RB buttons if you are playing with a controller.

3. In the Game tab, you should see the Allow Spawn setting, which has the following description:

Allow the spawn menu at all times, not just on sandbox levels.

4. Use the directional pad buttons to change the Allow Spawn setting from Disabled to Enabled.

5. You can then exit the Options menu.

6. To open the spawn menu while playing through a level, bring up the pause menu. You can then open the menu by pressing the Triangle or Y button.

In the spawn screen, you need to select the Source first and then the Category before choosing which item you want to spawn into the level.