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How to beat Vertical Velocity level in Astro Bot

This Seeking Tech guide will explain how you can beat the Vertical Velocity stage in Astro Bot.

Use the following video as a reference:

When climbing the wall with the electric spikes, try to stay in between the swaying path.

In the next area, you need to quickly run between the two slime enemies to dodge their attacks, while also avoiding falling off the breakable glass.

When running up, you need to jump to the opposite wall. In order to wall jump, tilt your analog towards the opposite wall. You should then press X to jump a split second later. It may take a little bit of practice to get the timing right.

While running on the opposite wall, you will need to pull off another wall jump. Afterwards, hover past the electric floor and then defeat the slime enemy.

After running up another wall, quickly jump and hover to defeat the electric enemy.

When jumping up from the ladybug, hover to defeat the slime that will be waiting for you.

During the next wall run, bird missiles will be shot at you. You can simply move to the side and then keep running to get past this section.

On the glass platform, you will be facing off against four spike enemies. Run straight forward and then hover a little bit to take out the initial wave. Afterwards, jump and hover again to take out the enemy in the back.

You will then need to run up a wall with electric traps. You first need to go right. You then need to head left when it is safe to do so. For the last section, start out to the right and then carefully make your way to the middle.

As you make your way to the top, you need to hover past the electric floor to complete the stage.