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How to beat Colosseum Season 3 in Jeanne d’Arc

This Seeking Tech guide will explain how you can beat the third season of the Colosseum in Jeanne d’Arc.

This stage contains the toughest fights in the game. So you should make sure that you bring 5 characters that are at max level.

My party ended up being Jean, Gilles, Colet, Rufus and Richard. Make sure you have HP +150, HP Recovery III, Three Rounds, Four Hits, Helm Splitter, Revivify, Mobility +2 and Godspeed. If you need help finding these skills and weapons, then you can check out the description box.

You should also bring plenty of Mana Shards and Healing Fruits. You can buy these items from shops.

HP +150:

HP Recovery III:

Three Rounds:

Four Hits: Skill bind Three Rounds with Three Hits. You can get Three Hits by beating the Guillorey Canal Free Combat stage in the postgame.


Mobility +2:

Godspeed: You can get the Godspeed skill stone by beating the second season of the Colosseum in the postgame.

Ultimate Weapons:

How to level up quickly:

When it comes to the actual fights, you shouldn’t run into any issues for the first six rounds.

On the 7th round, make sure you equip the Treasure Hunter skill to Colet. This fight has 5 hidden treasure spots that will reward you with the best weapons and skill stones.

Once you have collected all the treasures, defeat the rest of the enemy to move on.

On the 9th round, the Reapers will hit hard. Try to play defensively and stay out of their attack range in the beginning. You can then use Jean and Gilles to set up Burning Auras at a distance. Afterwards, Rufus can use his regular attack, while Colet can use his Four Hits skill. For Superbia, you need to use Helm Splitter to weaken his defense first before you can set up Burning Auras. Make sure you heal often.

On the 10th round, place your party close to Bedford and then defeat him as soon as possible. You should then try to defeat Luther, who may counter some of your attacks. If he does, make sure you heal.

Once you beat Luther, move on to the nearby Dragon. Afterwards, you can go after Tiamat. Make sure you use Helm Splitter to weaken their defenses first or else your attacks may do little to no damage.

By beating the third season of the Colosseum, you will get another Godspeed skill stone as a reward.