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How to beat Astro Bot’s To The Beat level

This Seeking Tech guide will show you how to survive the To The Beat sstage from Astro Bot. Use the following video as a reference:

For the trampoline section, you should use only the left or right path. Going side-to-side can mess up your timing.

When it comes to the electrical panels , you need to be patient. I recommend waiting for the last panel to electrified so that you can give yourself a few seconds.

For the rotating electrical wires, you should skate to the right and then wait until it finishes rotating in order to jump through the gap.

When dealing with the slime enemy, avoid moving in a straight line.

For the rotating wires on the ground, you can try hovering to add a bit of a pause and some extra distance.

You should also be patient when it comes to the rotating blocks section. Try to take out the slime in the middle so that you don’t have to worry about getting sniped.

As for the spinning enemy, time your jump as the spike passes in front of you. This should give you time to hover over the enemy to defeat him.

For the pumpkin enemy, try moving right and then jumping left when the panels get electrified. You should be able to dodge the missile as long as you don’t run in a straight line.

For the first part of the birds section, stay in the middle so that you can easily dodge them.

As for the second part with birds, run straight forward immediately. If you timed it right, you will be able to jump both the birds and the gap in front. Otherwise, this section will be a lot trickier.