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Best skills in Jeanne d’Arc

The Seeking Tech guide will reveal the best skills in Jeanne d’Arc.

HP +150

The HP Plus skills will give you a big boost to your health. Since you won’t be able to revive any fallen characters for most of the campaign, you should try increasing the HP of your party.

After Stage 10, you will unlock the ability to skill bind. Use this feature to bind HP Plus skills to as high as 150.

Cyclone II

Cyclone II is a magic attack that deals damage across nine squares. If you use it on a golem, dragon or another big enemy, then you can deal a lot of damage. You can also earn a lot of experience points as well. In fact, using Cyclone II on a dragon is the best way to level up.

Cyclone II is dropped by Ghosts, which you can find in the Free Combat version of Bastille of the Augustins. This location can be revisited after Stage 12.

HP Recovery

HP Recovery will heal your character at a set amount before every turn. As a result, you don’t have to constantly worry about healing, especially during some of the late game and postgame stages.

HP Recovery I is dropped by Orges. You can find these enemies in the Free Combat version of the Paris Ramparts, which becomes available after Stage 19.

HP Recovery II is dropped by Cyclops, which you can find in the Free Combat version of the Guillorey Canal. This location will re-open after Stage 28.

You can only get HP Recovery III by skill binding.

Helm Splitter

Helm Splitter is an axe skill that will reduce the target’s defense by 20%. This is extremely helpful against enemies with high defensive stats, especially when it comes to the late game and postgame bosses.

Helm Splitter is dropped by the aforementioned Cyclop enemies that you can find in the Free Combat version of the Guillorey Canal.

Mobility +2

Mobility Plus stones will let your character travel further. This is extremely helpful if you are planning to use Rufus since he is the best tank in the game. Giving him a Mobility +2 skill will negate his only weakness.

You can find Mobility Plus stones from Thieves. These enemies can be encountered in the Raillement Free Combat Stage.

Three Rounds

With Three Rounds, your character can attack three times, which results in a triple-stacked burning aura. Attacking from a triple-stacked aura is the best way to deal damage especially against some of the postgame bosses.

To get Three Rounds, you need to first find the Two Rounds skill stones. The fastest way to farm is by stealing Two Rounds from one of the Darkest Demons that will spawn on Stage 36.

With enough Two Rounds, you will be able to bind Three Rounds.


The only way to revive a fallen party member during battle is by having a staff user use Revivify. To get this spell, you need to bind for it.

Alternatively, you can also complete the Free Combat stage in the Alrond Wood when you get to the postgame. You will get Revivify as a reward.