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Best Jeanne d’Arc party members

This Seeking Tech guide will reveal the seven best party members in Jeanne d’Arc.


Jean will join your party in Stage 3.

As a spear user, he can attack enemies from two squares away, which means he isn’t vulnerable to any counterattack at a distance.

This will also allow you to easily set up double and triple stacked burning auras, which lets you deal big damage to the enemy.


After Stage 4, Colet will join your party. Arguably the best character, this dagger user can travel a great distance.

He also has the best evasion stats of your party as he can dodge a vast majority of non-magic attacks.

Not to mention he can also steal skill stones from the enemies.

Later on, he will get a skill that makes all hidden treasures visible as well. You should keep him in your party at all times.


Marcel will also join the party after Stage 4.

He is the most powerful bow user, especially if you equip him with the Sky Dart skill that lets him attack from anywhere on the map.

His attacks can’t be countered as well, making him a great addition with his ability to pick off enemies from far away.


Gilles will join your party after Stage 6, adding another armlet wielder.

Like Jean, Gilles is a spear user that can attack from two squares away. As a result, he can avoid counterattacks while being helpful when it comes to stacking auras.

Being able to transform and use Godspeed makes Gilles better than Jean. So, you can use Gilles instead of Jean in stages with limited party member slots.


Rufus will join your party in Stage 7. This axe user starts out weak with low mobility and accuracy.

If you level him up, then he easily becomes the best tank in your party since he will have the highest HP, attack power and defensive stats.

While he has low mobility, you can easily resolve this weakness by equipping him with a mobility stone. Rufus should be a permanent member of your party.


Richard will join your party in Stage 14.

This staff user is one of the only two characters that can revive others with the Revivify spell.

He is also great against big enemies since he can use Cyclone II to deal a lot of damage with his high magic attack power.

Last but not least, he can also transform and take advantage of Godspeed.


After Stage 18, there will be a branching path. If you decide to go to La Charite, then you will recruit Rose.

This character is the only whip user as she can attack safely at a distance without having to worry about counterattacks.

Like Colet, she can also steal skill stones and reveal hidden treasure locations. Not to mention she has a high evasion rate against non-magic attacks to go along with being the most mobile character.

To make grinding for skills and treasures a lot quicker, you should add both Colet and Rose to your party.