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How to beat Boing Bonaza level in Astro Bot

This Seeking Tech guide will show you how to beat the Boing Bonaza stage in Astro Bot.

Use the following video as a reference:

To use these launch pads, hold down R2 to compress the springs. Once you get on top of it, let go of R2 to send yourself flying.

Once you reach the apex, make sure to hover so that you can avoid the flamethrower.

Before jumping on the glass, make sure you hold down R2 so that you can safely get through.

Do the same thing in the next section after you pass through the two flamethrowers.

After dodging more flamethrowers, hold down R2 before you jump to the big launch pad.

The next area will have breakeable glass. You need to run to the next launch pad quickly while holding R2 down.

When you reach the apex after being launched, hover again to avoid the first flamethrower.

The second flamethrower will rotate faster. You will need to dodge it and then hold down R2 to bring the launch pad down. Afterwards, rush over the glass platform to the launch pad.

The next launch point is tricky. You should wait until you start seeing flames appear on the top-right side to launch yourself. If you timed it correctly, you should be able to safely land on a trampoline.

There is one final tricky launch you need to do before the end. You need to first launch yourself in the air. Once you reach the apex, hover and then hold down R2 to open the exit to the stage.