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How to find the best weapons in Jeanne d’Arc

This Seeking Tech guide will explain how you can find the best weapons in Jeanne d’Arc.


The best sword for Jeanne, Liane, Bertrand, Cuisses and Roger is the Deathbringer. You can get this weapon by beating the second season of the Colosseum in the postgame. You can also find it as a hidden treasure on the 7th round of the third season of the Colosseum.

Gae Bulg

The best spear for Jean and Gilles is the Gae Bulg. This is rewarded when you beat the second season of the Colosseum. It is also found in the 7th round of the third season of the Colosseum.


The best dagger for Roger is the Tsukikage. This weapon can only be found in the 7th round of the third season of the Colosseum.

Bow of Atremis

The best bow for Marcus and Beatrix is the Bow of Atremis. This can be found as a treasure during your first visit to the Cemetery, or the 7th round of the third season of the Colosseum.


The best axe for Le Hire, Rufus and Bartolomeo is the Lucifer. This is part of the rewards for completing the second season of the Colosseum in the postgame. You can also find it as a hidden treasure in the 7th round of the third season of the Colosseum.

Rose Whip

The best whip for Rose is the Rose Whip. You can only find it as a hidden treasure in the 7th round of the third season of the Colosseum.


The best staff for Richard and Claire is the Caduceus. This weapon can be found as a hidden treasure during your first visit to the Cemetery, or the 7th round of the third season of the Colosseum.

How to farm for ultimate weapons in Jeanne d’Arc

The PS4 and PS5 versions of Jeanne d’Arc have a rewind feature, which makes it easier to farm ultimate weapons.

If you haven’t done so already, play through the 6 rounds in the third season of the Colosseum. You should then create a save state on the emulator.

Before starting the 7th round, equip Treasure Hunter to Colet and then add him to the battlefield. If you are using Rose instead, then you need to equip Treasure Lover to her.

The 7th round should have five visible treasure spots that you can farm.

Spot #1: The first spot is located near the left edge of the starting point. This area can spawn the Caduceus, Rose Whip or Tsukikage.

Spot #2: The second spot is in the middle left. It can spawn Gae Bulg, HP +300 or MP +150.

Spot #3: The third spot is located on the middle right. This location can spawn Deathbringer, Accuracy +30 or Evade +30.

Spot #4: The fourth spot is located on the lower right. This area can spawn the Lucifer, Attack +30 or Range +2.

Spot #5: The fifth spot is located on the other side of the map. It can spawn the Bow of Atremis, Mobility +3 or Three Rounds.

To farm, land on the spot to see if you get the weapon you are looking for. If you got something else, you need to rewind to just before you landed on the treasure spot.

To change the treasure you can potentially get, you can wait another turn or attack the enemy.

Once you have got the weapons or skills you wanted, defeat the enemies to end the stage. You can then choose to go back to the world map or continue battling in the Colosseum.