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Jeanne d’Arc Platinum Trophy Guide

This Seeking Tech guide will help you obtain the platinum trophy for the PS4 and PS5 versions of Jeanne d’Arc. While there aren’t any missable trophies, you may need to do a bit of grinding to beat the toughest fights in the postgame. With that said, only one playthrough is needed. The rewind and save state feature added to the PS4 and PS5 versions should also make the game easier. It took me a little over 40 hours to get the platinum.

You can find the walkthrough below:

Stage 1

The first stage is a small tutorial that shows you the basics of the game.

Hanging On by a Thread Trophy

This is the best place to get the Hanging On by a Thread trophy, which will unlock when you complete the stage on the very last turn.

Try to leave one enemy on the battlefield and then stay out of its attack range until the very last turn. You should then defeat it to get this trophy.

Hanging On by a Thread Trophy Video Walkthrough

Stage 2

In the second stage of the game, you will learn about Transformations and Godspeed. These abilities will allow your character to take extra turns, so make sure you take advantage of them when fighting a lot of enemies.

Divine Favor Trophy

When you transform as a part of the story, you should unlock the Divine Favor trophy.

Lethal Blow Trophy

In your transformed state, you should be able to defeat a full-health enemy on this stage with one strike. You should then be able to unlock the Lethal Blow trophy.

Lethal Blow Trophy Video Walkthrough

Bounty of the Battlefield Trophy

Starting from the 2nd stage on, enemies will drop skill stones when defeated. By looting 200 skill stones in total, you will get the Bounty of the Battlefield trophy. This should come naturally as you play through this game.

Humble Hero, Seek Thy Destiny Trophy

To beat this stage, have Jeanne use Godspeed while transformed in order to quickly get to the English Officer. The other two members of the party should focus on eliminating any stragglers.

By completing the 2nd stage, you will unlock the Humble Hero, Seek Thy Destiny trophy.

Strategic Leader Trophy

After the 2nd Stage, Chapel in the Woods can be revisited as a Free Combat location. If you have not unlocked the Strategic Leader trophy yet, then you can easily do so here by beating this stage in half the turn limit.

Stage 3

The third stage of the game will feature a tutorial about Lancers, Burning Auras and United Guard. There are multiple trophies associated with Burning Auras that you may get throughout your playthrough.

Flames of War Trophy

The Flames of War trophy will unlock when you attack or use skills while standing on a double-stacked burning aura. Lancers are the best at creating Burning Auras as they can attack from a distance while leaving space in front of them.

You can have a Lancer attack a target to create an aura. Have someone else attack the same target while standing on the aura to create a double stack. Finally, have another character attack or use a skill on the double-stacked aura to get this trophy.

Flames of War Video Walkthrough

I Like How It Burns Trophy

If you managed to attack or use skills on a triple-stacked burning aura, then you will unlock the trophy called I Like How It Burns.

I was able to get this eventually on the 11th stage, by having one character attack while another character is standing on the opposite end of the target. That character was then able to move with the aura and attack the enemy from a different direction, creating a double-stacked aura.

I have another character attack the same target with the double-stacked aura to create a triple stack. I then have a character use Heal to unlock this trophy.

You can also get triple-stacked auras easily later on in the game when you learn the Two Rounds and Three Rounds skills, which let your characters attack multiple times.

I Like How It Burns Trophy Video Walkthrough

Don’t Fight if You Can’t Take the Heat Trophy

The other trophy that you should eventually get is Don’t Fight if You Can’t Take the Heat. This will unlock if your character counters an enemy’s attack while standing on a Burning Aura.

You should be able to unlock this without trying since you will be facing many enemies simultaneously later in the game. I was able to get this on the fourth stage.

To beat stage 3, you should take advantage of Burning Auras on offense while setting up United Guard at the same time to reduce damage. Try to save your transformation for the English Officer at the end.

Don’t Fight if You Can’t Take the Heat Trophy Video Walkthrough

Stage 4

The fourth stage can be somewhat challenging as you need to keep the Nobleman alive. You should rush towards him quickly and then cast Heal. Afterwards, keep him alive while you defeat the English Officer.

Men of War Trophy

After the fourth stage, you should have at least four male members in your party. This is the earliest opportunity to unlock the Men of War trophy.

The easiest way to do so is to head to the Chapel in the Woods. At the start of the fight, add four males to the battlefield. Afterwards, complete the quick stage to get the Men of War trophy.

Men of War Trophy Video Walkthrough

Neufchateau (Free Combat) – Grinding Spot

After completing the fourth stage, you will be able to revisit Neufchateau. The Mage and Necromaner enemies may drop the Heal skill stone when defeated. So, you may want to spend some time here to get this spell for multiple party members.

Stage 5

On the fifth stage, head across the bridge as a group to defeat enemies along the way. When you fight Talbot, gang up on him and then create Burning Auras for Jeanne. Have her transform and use her special attack to defeat Talbot.

Afterwards, defeat the remaining enemies that are still chasing your party, and then escape the level when it is safe to do so.

Stage 6

On the sixth stage, head straight towards Talbot. Gilles will eventually appear in a transformed state. You can use him to clear out any nearby enemies with Godspeed.

When you reach Talbot, you can then use Burning Auras with a transformed Jeanne to take care of him.

We Fight for France Trophy

The We Fight for France should unlock after you beat the sixth stage, which concludes the first chapter of the game.

Stage 7

The 7th stage can be difficult due to the slower movement. Having Gilles, Colet and Marcel in your party should help tremendously.

For the first part of the stage, have your other members focus on whittling down the HP of your enemies. You should then use Gilles to transform and use Godspeed to eliminate enemies on the river.

Make sure you save Jeanne’s transformation until she gets closer to the gate so that she can use Godspeed. You only need her to reach the gate to complete the mission.

Stage 8

At the start of the 8thstage, add Gilles, Colet, Marcel and Rufus to your party. Along with Jean, these are some of the best characters you can have in battles. Although Rufus starts out weak, he becomes the best tank later on.

When it comes to beating this stage, stick close together as you work your way into the fort. Magic works well here if you have any. Otherwise, take advantage of United Guard and keep your party healed while you eliminate the enemies.

After this mission, you should grind for a little bit since the next several missions can be tough. Make sure that Colet and Rufus are at least level 20.

Stage 9

On the 9th stage, you will learn about using ladders. While this is related to a trophy, you shouldn’t worry about getting it until much later in the game.

Instead, use the ladder you already set up and infiltrate the fort with Colet. Afterwards, Marcel should follow him up the ladder to take out the nearby archer, and later provide artillery support.

Colet should hopefully be able to dodge most incoming enemy attacks before making his way to the gate switch.

With the gate opened, try to take out the two Priestess as soon as possible as they will heal others. Keep in mind that Jeanne can transform two times in the same battle. So, you might want to burn one of your transformations early if you are in a pinch.

Otherwise, save your transformation for Talbot to end the stage.

Sticky Fingers Trophy

You will get the Skill Shakedown stone after beating Stage 9. Equip it to Colet and then use this skill on enemies to steal skill stones. After 10 successful attempts, the Sticky Fingers Trophy should be unlocked.

 Sticky Fingers Trophy Video Walkthrough

Stage 10

The tenth stage can be extremely difficult. You may need to do some additional grinding if you aren’t at a high enough level. You should also bring plenty of magic attacks and healing.

To complete the stage, try to take out Talbot as soon as possible. Use your transformation if you end up in a pinch against him. Afterwards, take out the archer above the tower.

With those two out of the way, try to create bottlenecks around the stairway to limit the enemy attack chances. Try to take out the Wizard and Priestess as soon as possible.

Stone Alchemy Trophy

The Skill Binding menu will be unlocked after you beat the 10th stage. By finding 25 different combinations, you will unlock the Stone Alchemy trophy. You should be able to get this over the course of the game.

For now, you can try buying HP +20 skill stones from Chinon and then upgrading it to HP +50 or HP +100. You can find the binding formulas below:

HP +30:

  • HP +20 and Luna Spirit +1

HP +50:

  • HP +30 and HP +30
  • HP +30 and Luna Spirit +1

HP +100:

  • HP +50 and HP +50
  • HP +50 and Luna Spirit +2

HP +150:

  • HP +100 and HP +100
  • HP +100 and Luna Spirit +3

You can also try other binding combinations if you have an excess of skill stones. The game will let you know which combination of stones can be combined into one.

Stage 11

You won’t be able to get back to the world map until you complete Stage 11 and 12. So make sure you are well prepared before starting Stage 11.

For this fight, enemy reinforcements will appear when you get near the first door, and then appear again when you break down the two doors.

Try to save at least one of your transformations until you can break the second door, so that you can defeat Glasdale soon afterwards without having to deal with reinforcements.

Stage 12

At the start of the 12th stage, head straight to the staircase on the left. Most of the enemies from the middle area will then chase after your group. Take care of them if they get close while you continue to move towards Talbot.

The Swordmaster enemies in this stage have a chance at countering your attacks. So, you may want to use long range attacks against them.

Otherwise, try to save your transformations for Talbot so that you can finish him off quickly.

Freedom for a Life Trophy

By beating the 12th stage, you should unlock the Freedom for a Life trophy.

We Stand Together Trophy

After the 12the Stage, you will unlock the Altois Prairie. This is the first location where you can use 7 party members. Save your game on the world map and then head over to this location to get a trophy.

For the We Stand Together Trophy, the Unified Guard ability must be activated when at least seven members of your party are standing close together.

At the start of the stage, keep your team close together and then wait for the Qrow enemies to fly towards you and attack. You should then be able to unlock this trophy.

Afterwards, reload your save to exit the stage.

We Stand Together Trophy Video Walkthrough

Bastille of the Augustins (Free Combat) – Grinding Spot

The Free Combat version of Bastille of the Augustins will open up after the 12th stage. The enemies here drop Heal, Luna Spirit +1 and Cyclone II.

When used by a mage, the Cyclone II spell is extremely helpful against the Golems and Dragons in the Altois Prairie.

Beware the Wild Prairie Trophy

If most of your party is around level 30, then you can attempt to get the Beware the Wild Prairie trophy, which you can unlock by completing the Altois Prairie. To prepare for this stage, equip Cyclone II to anyone with a high enough MP to use it.

You should also equip Sweep to your Lancers. You can get the Sweep skill by combining Leg Strike and Triple Slash if you have them from defeating enemies from the story missions.

Finally, make sure that your party has some other magic attacks. These will help against enemies that have evasion rates against physical attacks.

At the beginning of the stage, position your party close to the nearby Dragon. You should then target this enemy in the early rounds. Make sure that your party is spread apart as much as possible to avoid getting hit by his Breath attack. You can also try surrounding him with one character on every side so that he can only attack one person at a time.

Try to defeat the Dragon as soon as possible, as the Qrow Leader and Qrow Knights will be coming after your party. As I mentioned before, Sweep and Cyclone II work well against the Dragons and Golems.

After defeating the Dragon, turn your focus towards the Qrow Leader and Qrow Knights. These enemies have high evasion rates. So, you should hit them with magic.

With the Qrows defeated, slowly head towards the Queen Rogue. Hopefully, you will be able to aggro her without also aggroing the Golem. Like the Qrows, you need to use magic attacks to defeat the Queen.

You can then go after the Golem. Use the same strategy you used against the Dragon earlier to dispatch the Golem.

The final three enemies are on the other side of the battlefield. Try to approach them carefully so that you don’t agrro them at the same time, and you should be able to defeat them in time.

By beating the Altois Prairie stage, you should unlock the Beware the Wild Prairie trophy.

Beware the Wild Prairie Trophy Video Walkthrough

Stage 13

On Stage 13, another archer will join your party early on. There will also be enemy reinforcements that will appear out of nowhere as you progress.

For the first part of the stage, take out the mages as soon as possible.

Afterwards, try to clear out all the other enemies except for the big Troll. This enemy holds HP Recovery, so you should have Colet try to steal here and other future instances.

Otherwise, try to keep your party healed as more reinforcements will show up.

Might of the Therion Trophy

After Stage 13, you should have three Therion members in your party, which gives you the opportunity to get the Might of the Therion trophy.

The easiest way to do so is to head back to the Chapel in the Woods.

In this Free Combat stage, add the three Therion members (Le Hire, Rufus and Bartolomeo). Afterwards, complete the short stage to unlock this trophy.

Might of the Therion Trophy Video Walkthrough

Tourelles (Free Combat) – Grinding Spot

After Stage 13, the Free Combat version of Tourelles will also be available. This is a great spot to farm for Take Flight, Meteor Bolt, Luna Spirit +2, Cyclone and Mighty Roar.

Use skill binding to combine Take Flight with Meteor Bolt to get Sky Dart. This skill lets your archers attack from anywhere on the map.

Luna Spirit +2 can be used along with HP +50 to create HP +100.

You can combine Cyclone with Heal II to get Healing Wind, a spell that heals multiple party members. To get Heal II, combine Heal with HP +20.

You can also combine Mighty Roar with HP +50 to get Healing Wind II, although you most likely won’t need this until later on in the game.

Stage 14

Richard will switch sides and join your party early in the battle. Take advantage of his already transformed state to attack Slinker and end the stage quickly.

Stage 15

While there are two escape points, have your party stick together. If you decide to target Slinker, you may need to gang up on him as he can Heal himself.

While you gain access to the Colosseum after the 15th stage, you should avoid trying to beat it until much later in the game.

Well Pucelle, You Fell Trophy

By beating the 15th stage, you should earn the Well Pucelle, You Fell Trophy.

Stage 16

Your mobility will be reduced by the swamp conditions. Make sure you use magic and your archers for long range attacks. You can also take extra turns by using Transformations and Godspeed. Try to stick together for United Guard so that your party avoids being overwhelmed by enemy attacks.

Stage 17

Your objective is to protect Charles VII, who will be moving on his own. Take the central path and then have a group of your party attack the enemies along the way.

Have at least one-party member stay on the base of the stairway since an enemy archer will appear there later on. Some reinforcements will also appear near the exit point. So, make sure you stay prepared for that as well.

Stage 18

Transformations and Godspeed will work well here since there will be a lot of enemies. Reinforcements will appear near the bridge once you defeat all the existing enemies. So, make sure you are ready for them.

Branching Path #1

After Stage 18, you have a choice of either going to La Charite or Saint-Pierre-le-Moutier.

Select “A. La Charite.”

You will be able to recruit Rose on this path. She is very mobile and can steal skill stones from enemies, making treasuring hunting and skill grinding much faster.

Branching Path #1 Video Walkthrough

Stage 19 (La Charite)

In the La Charite stage, I recommend that you use Colet since he can also build bridges. Because the passageways are narrow, split into two groups: one led by Rose, and the other led by Colet. Make sure both groups have healing.

Paris Ramparts (Free Combat)

The Free Combat version Paris Ramparts will be available after the 19th Stage. The Ogre enemies there hold the HP Recovery skill stones. Try to get at least one.

HP Recovery Farming Video Walkthrough

Stage 20

Your objective here is to prevent your enemies from getting to the town gates. Make sure you have someone blocking the gate.

The soldiers that starts on your side will betray your party early in the fight. So, try not to stray too far from your starting position up top.

The rest of the team should try to rush to the gates, while defeating any enemies along the way. The Lady Noires can be dangerous as they can slip through your party. So, you should take them out as soon as possible.

Plight of the Deceiver

By beating the 20th stage, you should unlock the Plight of the Deceiver trophy.

Stage 21

For Stage 21, make sure you re-equip Jeanne and Gilles. The HP Recovery skill is extremely helpful here since you won’t have to worry about healing.

Focus on taking out Mawra first, before focusing your attacks on the Lizards. Afterwards, go after Blaze, who is the toughest enemy in this stage. Finally, finish off Slinker to complete the stage.

Stage 22

In Stage 22, bring some magic attacks since it is easy to get crowded. There will be multiple enemy reinforcements along the way to Blaze and Mawra.

Gilles should now be able to transform two times in a battle. So, you should consider using one if you need to earlier in the fight.

You can then transform again once you reach the two bosses.

Ashes to Ashes Trophy

By beating the 22nd stage of the campaign, you should be able to unlock the Ashes to Ashes trophy.

Qrowded Rooftop Trophy

Completing the 22nd Stage will unlock the Tower of Alsace.

For this new location, make sure you use Rose as she can set up ladders and steal skill stones. The Qrow Leader and Qrow Knights hold the Raise Mobility skill that you want to steal.

Make sure that the third member of your team can use magic attack so that they can help fight against the Qrows. The stage ends when the Qrow Leader is defeated.

Qrowded Rooftop Trophy Video Walkthrough

What’s Lost Is Mine Trophy

By beating the Tower of Alsace for the first time, you will get the Treasure Hunter skill, which lets you see the location of all the hidden treasures on the map. Equip it to Colet to make finding treasures easier from now on. Grab as many as you can since there are a lot of great rewards like permanent stat boosts.

If you haven’t done so already, then the Treasure Hunter skill should help you find the 25 treasures required to unlock the What’s Lost Is Mine trophy.

Struggle on High Trophy

Beating the Tower of Alsace for the first time will unlock Raillemont. For this stage, your party will be scattered throughout the map.

If you have Rose in your party or the Sky Dart skill for your archer, then you can defeat the Queen Rogue quickly to end the stage in order to get the Struggle on High trophy.

If you decide to go the long way, then make sure you steal the Mobility +1 stones from the three Thief enemies.

Struggle on High Trophy Video Walkthrough

Extend Your Reach Trophy

At this point, you should have the Extend Your Reach trophy, which unlocks when you build 10 ladders or bridges with Colet and Rose. You should meet the requirements of the La Charite, Tower of Alsace and Raillemont stages.

If not, then La Charite is the easiest stage to replay again if you need to build more.

Stage 23

While you can escape on the 23rd Stage, the enemies aren’t too difficult to deal with if your party is decently leveled and equipped.

Gilles should be able to transform up to three times for every battle at this point. So, make sure to take advantage of this here and in future stages.

Stage 24

Make sure that Jeanne has HP Recovery and Heal since she will be trapped against Superbia on the 24th Stage. You should also avoid getting near the dragon up to since the enemy can attack her with magic.

To get all the treasures, split the rest of the team into groups of two. The doors can be opened when you land directly on the square next to them.

Make sure that all your other party members have healing as well just in case you run into trouble.

Superbia should be pretty easy once you get to the Reaper and gang up on it.

Stage 25

For the 25th Stage, focus on attacking George at the start of the fight. You need to defeat him before he can summon Tiamat at the backend of the map.

If he summons a Dragon, you can take care of it quickly with Cyclone II and Sweep.

After defeating George, he transforms into Avaritia. This boss shouldn’t pose a threat as long as there are no other enemies on the field.

Tight Squeeze Trophy

Beating the 25th Stage will open the Langles Tunnel. This is a short and easy stage. Try to get both treasures on the map before defeating all enemies.

Tight Squeeze Trophy Video Walkthrough

Dank Ye, Dank Ye! Trophy

Completing Langles Tunnel for the first time will unlock Castle Vilneaux. To get the Dank Ye, Dank Ye! trophy, you need to guide the two dragons back into their cages.

This can be done with three characters. One of the characters should move to the left of the entrance to collect the hidden treasure.

The other should head straight towards the cage on the left side.

The final character should head to the staircase located on the right edge of the map, as this leads to another treasure.

If you are at a high enough level, then you should be able to withstand most of the dragon attacks. Make sure to keep your character healed up as you lure the dragons back into their stages.

Once the dragon’s body is fully inside, flip the switch to trap him. You can then exit out from the small opening on the side to escape.

Dank Ye, Dank Ye! Trophy Video Walkthrough

Stage 26

For the 26th Stage, your first priority is to grab the hidden treasure located at the back of the altar. This is the only way to get the Gem of Sacrifice.

Afterwards, take care of the Dark Shamanka since they can heal others.

You can then turn your focus towards Luxuria. She has HP Recovery, so you will need to gang up on her.

Don’t Fear the Reapers Trophy

By beating the 26th stage of the campaign, you should unlock the Don’t Fear the Reapers Trophy.

Leader of the Season Trophy

If you are close to level 50, then you should be able to take on the Colosseum. This stage has 10 rounds of fights. If you get wiped or decide to quit early, then you have to restart from the first round again.

The actual fights should be easy if you are at least level 50. You can also use the save state or rewind feature of the PS4/PS5 emulator in case you run into any trouble.

By beating the first season of the Colosseum, you should unlock the Leader of the Season trophy.

Leader of the Season Trophy Video Walkthrough

Stage 27

Stage 27 is another escape mission. The top boat will leave after 10 turns and there will be additional reinforcements that will pop up nearby.

To get all the treasures, clear out all the enemies leading to the top boat and then send someone to get the treasure there. The rest of the party should then work on getting to the second boat at the bottom.

By the time the enemy reinforcement comes, your team should be close to the second boat.

Stage 28

This is a pretty standard stage. The enemies here do have some very useful skills (Desperation III, HP Recovery II, Raise Mobility and Mobility +1). Try to steal them if you get the chance.

Branching Path #2

After the 28th stage, there will be another path. When asked, select “A. Alrond Wood” since it contains the easier and shorter stages.

Branching Path #2 Video Walkthrough

Stage 29 (Alrond Wood)

For the 29th stage in the Alrond Wood, you need to prevent the enemies from reaching the Elder’s Hut. Make sure you put your best attacker near Roger. This should mostly be an easy stage.

Stage 30

The 30th stage is relatively easy. Make sure you use your transformations early in order to take out Roger and other nearby enemies. You can then finish off any stragglers.

Stage 31

The 31st stage is another short level. Split into two groups: your best attackers should target Roger while the rest should take on the Shadow Knights on the other side of the bridge.

Struggles of Revenge Trophy

By beating the 31st Stage, you should be able to unlock the Struggles of Revenge trophy.

Stage 32

Make sure you bring some healing items for the first part of the 32nd stage. At the start, Burning Auras, Transformations and Skills are all locked out for your party. You need to break the towers in order to re-activate them again.

Break the left tower to enable Burning Auras and the right tower to enable Transformations. You should move more cautiously than usual and use healing items when necessary.

Keep in mind that Transformations will also heal the character. So, you should take advantage of this when defeating enemies on the way to breaking the middle tower, which will unlock your Skills.

Defeat the remaining enemies to complete the stage.

Stage 33

The 33rd Stage is an extremely long one with a lot of story sections in between the 6 rounds of fights. Your team will be Jeanne, Gilles and Richard. Make sure you have healing spells and magic attacks equipped. Richard should spend most of the time healing others.

The good news is that your transformations will reset after every round. So, you can use them frequently to defeat enemies.

On Round 3, you have to defeat Liane first or the Hellpriest enemies will keep respawning.

On Round 5, some of the demons have high physical defense. Use magic attacks to get rid of them.

On Round 6, you get to fight Ira. Take advantage of Burning Auras and Transformations to defeat him.

Personal Army Trophy

By beating the 33rd stage of the campaign, you should be able to unlock the Personal Army trophy.

Late Game Grind

The 34th stage will be the point of no return for the main campaign.

Before you start this stage, make sure that you have at least 9 party members that are at level 60 or higher with the HP +150 and HP Recovery II skills equipped.

The fastest way to level up is to use Cyclone II on the Dragons in Langles Tunnel.

How to level up quickly in Jeanne d’Arc

To get HP +150, you need to use skill binding. Use the formulas below:

HP +30:

  • HP +20 and Luna Spirit +1

HP +50:

  • HP +30 and HP +30
  • HP +30 and Luna Spirit +1

HP +100:

  • HP +50 and HP +50
  • HP +50 and Luna Spirit +2

HP +150:

  • HP +100 and HP +100
  • HP +100 and Luna Spirit +3

The HP Recovery II skills are dropped by the Cyclops enemies in the Guillorey Canal. You can also skill bind two HP Recovery stones together to get HP Recovery II.

Caster’s Nightmare Trophy

While grinding for the final bosses, you can also try to get the Caster’s Nightmare. To do so, you need to skill bind Thor’s Hammer with Body Slam in order to get Earthquake.

Thor’s Hammer can be found on the Lich enemy from the Langles Tunnel. The Body Slam skill can be found on the Golem enemies in Chalons.

After biding for Earthquake, equip it to a mage and then cast it during a battle. If you managed to eliminate someone in your party with this magic attack, then you should unlock the Caster’s Nightmare trophy.

Caster’s Nightmare Video Walkthrough

Down but Not Gone Trophy

The only way to revive someone is by using Revivify. To get this spell, you need to bind Healing Wind II with Cure.

Healing Wind II is held by the Lich in the from the Langles Tunnel. You can also bind Mighty Roar with HP +50 to get Healing Wind II.

The Cure skill can be bought in shops.

After getting Revivify, equip it to a mage and then use it to resurrect a party member to unlock the Down but Not Gone Trophy.

Down but Not Gone Trophy Video Walkthrough

Stage 34

On the 34th stage, you will have to go through a maze before getting to Bedford. Both he and the Lich enemies can attack your entire party from far away. So, you keep your HP high.

When you get to Bedford, you may want to consider stealing from him since he holds EXP Bonus III. This will make grinding in the postgame a lot easier. Otherwise, defeat him to move on.

Stage 35

The 35th stage will end up being a boss gauntlet. At the start of the fight, defeat the Shadow Knights and Shadow Lancers. You should also send someone to get the treasure behind Gilvaroth (but do not attack him yet). While you are at it, try to get the other treasures as well.

After defeating all of the regular enemies, stand near one of the summoning circles. You can then attack Gilvaroth to summon the four Reaper bosses you previously defeated.

Gang up on the nearest Reaper to defeat it as soon as possible before moving onto the next target. Avoid Gilvaroth on the throne as you won’t be able to harm him until the other Reapers are defeated.

Once you defeat the others, gang up on Gilvaroth to finish him off.

Stage 36

The final stage of the game can be an extremely long one since it is the best place to farm for the Two Rounds skill stone.

Add your 9 best characters, hopefully with HP +150, HP Recovery II and Heal spells equipped, to the battlefield. Sweep, Cyclone II and other skills that target multiple areas are great at hurting the final boss as well.

Make sure that Colet and Rose are in your party with their stealing skills equipped if you want to steal Two Rounds.

For the first two turns, attack Gilvaroth directly. However, you should stop attacking before his HP gets below 1500. Otherwise, the Shadowloom towers will start to heal him.

At the start of the 4th turn, one of the Darkest Demons will spawn with the Two Rounds skill. Send Colet and Rose to steal this skill stone off of this enemy.

The rest of your party members should focus on healing and staying alive while you steal Two Rounds. Avoid attacking any enemies. You will need around 10 of these skill stones in total for the postgame.

Once you get the recommended amount of Two Rounds, attack Gilvaroth with everything you got. If you can’t defeat him in one turn, then his HP will be restored by 550 HP if it drops to below 1500. So, you should at least try to deal at least 550 HP per turn.

Tame Your Demons Trophy

By beating the 36th and final stage of the main campaign, you should unlock the Tame Your Demons trophy.


In the postgame, there will be one new location, the Cemetery. The second and third seasons of the Colosseum will also be available.

Most of the Free Combat stages now have higher level enemies. You will also be rewarded with a lot of rare and useful skills by beating these levels.

Bring Out Your Dead Trophy

In the postgame, the Cemetery location should be unlocked. During your visit, it is very important that you get all three hidden treasures here, including the missable Goddess Armor.

Once you have found all the treasures, defeat the enemies to earn the Bring Out Your Dead trophy.

Bring Out Your Dead Trophy Video Walkthrough

Divine Intervention Trophy

If you haven’t gotten the Divine Intervention trophy yet, then save your game on the world map and head over to the Altois Prairie.

From there, add Jeanne, Roger, Cuisses, Gilles and Richard to the battlefield.

At the start, wait three turns (the Dragons should leave you alone). On the third turn, all five party members transform to get the Divine Intervention trophy.

Afterwards, reload your save to exit the stage.

Divine Intervention Trophy Video Walkthrough

Dragon of Legend Trophy

If your party is level 60 or higher, then you can fight Tiamat to get another trophy.

You can find this enemy in the Voldor Temple.

Tiamat is the same as any other Dragons you have fought so far. So, make sure you surround him on all four sides. Use Sweep, Cyclone II and your best attacks to defeat him.

If you aren’t dealing any damage to the enemy, then you may need to level up and come back.

Dragon of Legend Trophy Video Walkthrough

Postgame Grind

The Second Season of the Colosseum will be opened in the postgame. Five characters should be at least level 80 before attempting this gauntlet.

I ended up using Jean, Gilles, Colet, Rufus and Richard. Jean and Gilles are lancers, so they can’t be countered when attacking at a distance. I used them to set up Burning Auras.

Colet and Rufus are the main tanks and damage dealers. Richard is there for emergency healing and reviving.

If you need to level up, use Cyclone II on Tiamat, who should now be level 80 in the Voldor Temple. If you can’t beat a level 80 Tiamat, then you can use the level 40 Dragons in the Langles Tunnel to level grind.

If you managed to get some Two Rounds skill stones from the final boss encounter, then you should combine them to form Three Rounds. This skill will let your character attack up to three times instead of one. You can easily build up triple-stacked Burning Auras with these.

If you need more Two Rounds in the postgame, then you can beat the Soldat Outpost stage, which gives you one as a reward every time you complete it.

Another useful skill is Mobility +2. To get this, you need to bind Raise Mobility with Mobility +1.

You can find Raise Mobility from Qrow Knights and Qrow Leaders at the Tower of Alsace. You can get Mobility +1 from the Thieves at Raillement.

To get HP Recovery III, you can combine two HP Recovery II stones together. Alternatively, you can combine HP Recovery II with HP +100.

Proven Champion Trophy

Once you are at least level 80, you should head to the Colosseum in the postgame.

All five party members should have HP +150, HP Recovery III and Mobility +2 equipped.

Jean, Gilles, Colet and Rufus should have Three Rounds as well.

The two lancers, Jean and Gilles, should also have Sweep to deal with the Dragons.

Richard should have Revivify, healing spells and Cyclone II.

Most of the fights in the Colosseum should be easy. When going up against tougher enemies, use Jean and Gilles to set up Burning Auras, and then have Colet and Rufus to deal big damage. Richard should mainly focus on healing outside of potentially using Cyclone II against Dragons.

Luther on the 10th round can be somewhat challenging as he can counter attacks from Colet and Rufus. If your attacks get countered, heal and then try again. Try to take him out as soon as possible as he is the toughest enemy.

With Luther down, take down Bedford and then the two Dragons to complete the second season of the Colosseum. You should then be able to earn the Proven Champion trophy.

Proven Champion Video Walkthrough

I Too Have The Power Trophy

By beating the second season of the Colosseum, you will get the Godspeed skill stone as a prize. Equip it to someone other than an Armlet Wielder.

When you take out an enemy with the same character during a battle, Godspeed will be activated, and you should be able to unlock the I Too Have The Power trophy.

I Too Have The Power Trophy Video Walkthrough

I Never Stopped Calling Trophy

The other prize for winning in the second season of the Colosseum is the Charred Pendant. Once you got this item, head over to the Cemetery for a special scene.

You should then be able to unlock the I Never Stopped Calling trophy.

I Never Stopped Calling Trophy Video Walkthrough

Heroines of the Battlefield Trophy

Once you got Liane back in your party from the Cemetery during the postgame, make sure she is well equipped.

Afterwards, head over to the Chapel in the Woods.

From there, add four female characters to the battlefield and then complete the quick stage to earn the Heroines of the Battlefield trophy.

Heroines of the Battlefield Trophy Video Walkthrough

Savior of France Trophy

But getting every other trophy in Jeanne d’Arc, you should be able to unlock the Savior of France platinum trophy.