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How to unlock the Proven Champion trophy in Jeanne d’Arc

This Seeking Tech guide will show you how to get the Proven Champion trophy in Jeanne d’Arc. To unlock this trophy, you need to complete the second season of the Colosseum, which will unlock when you beat first season of the stage in addition to being in the postgame.

To prepare for the upcoming fights, make sure that your party is at least level 80. You should also have HP +150, HP Recovery III, Mobility +2 and Three Rounds equipped for your party.

I ended up using Colet and Rufus as my main attackers. Gilles and Jean are also great since they can set up Burning Auras from a distance. Lancers also can’t be countered. For the fifth member, I used Richard for healing and reviving.

Most of the fights in the earlier rounds should not pose a threat if you are at a high enough level. For any boss you run into, try to gang up on them and use burning auras to quickly deplete their health.

On the 10th round of this stage, Luther is the toughest enemy since he has HP Recovery III and a high counter rate. Use your lancers to set up burning auras around Luther and then use Colet and Rufus to attack.

If you get countered, then you should heal with Richard. Try to take Luther down quickly before turning your attention towards Bedford and then the two dragons. Once you defeat Luther, the other enemies should not pose much of a threat.