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How to unlock the frame rate for Starfield on Xbox Series S

This Seeking Tech guide will show you how to uncap the frame rate for the Xbox Series S version of Starfield in order to get the game to run beyond 30 FPS. This can currently be done by using a user-created mod.

In order to do so, you need to take the following steps:

1. Head back to the main menu of the game.

2. From there, make sure you head over to Creations.

3. You then need to search for “Uncap FPS for Series S.” Press the LB button from the front page of the Creations menu to search.

4. Select the Download option from the “Uncap FPS for Series S” product page.

5. Exit the Creations menu.

6. Load back into your game.

The frame rate should now be uncapped.