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How to restart a battle with the boss at full health in Final Fantasy XVI

If you enjoy the challenge in Final Fantasy XVI, you may be disappointed to learn that the health bar of a boss will be decreased by 50% if you die and then choose the Retry option. With your character at full health with the maximum of points equipped, this mid boss fight check point significantly decreases the difficulty.

To see how you can fight the same fight again with the boss at 100% health, you can take a look at this tutorial from Seeking Tech.

Before we start, it is important to note that, if you die before removing at least 50% off of the health boss of a boss, then the boss will remain at 100% health when you restart the same fight. Instead, your character will be at 100% of health with a full array of potions to use.

If you deal more than 50% of the damage to a boss but ended up dying, then you need to take the following steps to fight the same battle again with the boss at full health:

1. In the Game Over screen, you need to select the Return to Title option instead of Retry.

2. You should then see a Return to Title Screen notification warning you that any unsaved progress will be lost. Here, you need to select Yes.

While you will lose a bit of progress, the game frequently auto saves; therefore, you most likely don’t need to do much to get back to the boss fight.

3. In the Title Screen, you can choose the Continue option to load your most recent save. Alternatively, you can also select the Load Game option and then select any of your previous Auto Save or Player Save.

4. Once you make your way back to the boss, you should notice that the health bar is back at 100% instead of 50% as you will be starting the fight from the very beginning instead of the middle of battle.