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How to level up Torgal in Final Fantasy XVI

Once you unlocked Torgal to fight alongside you in battles, you will be able to level your pet attacks. To find out how you can do so, you can take a look at this tutorial from Seeking Tech.

What Torgal abilities can you level up?

When you unlock Torgal, you will be able to level up the following parameters:

Your pet has ten levels of Pedigree as the pet starts on Level 1. To level this stat up, you need to simply complete battles with Torgal in your party. So, along with the main quest, you might want to complete side quests and seek out any optional fights in order to grind out the Pedigree level.

You can also level up Torgal’s Sic attack. Your pet starts out at Level 1 for this ground-based action and can go all the way up to Level 3. To level this up, you can manually command the create to use Sic by pressing the Left directional button during combat to toggle from Item Shortcuts to Pet Commands and then pressing the Up directional button.

Another attack that can be leveled up is Lifting Attack, which can launch lighting enemies into the air, leveling them open for air combos. To increase the attack power for this move from Level 1 all the way to Level 3, you can manually issue the command during combat. In order to do so, press the Left directional button to switch from Item Shortcuts to Pet Commands and then press the Down directional button.

It is important to note that although Torgal also has a healing ability, which you can access by pressing the left directional button during combat to toggle from the Item Shortcuts layout to Pet Commands layout and then pressing the Right directional button. With that said, you won’t be able to level up the Heal ability at all.

How to level Torgal up quickly

In order to level up Torgal as quickly as possible, we recommend that you equip the Ring of Timely Assistance. By doing so, your pet will automatically attack on its own without your commands, which lets you focus on controlling Clive. With that said, you are still able to manually issue commands with this accessory if you need the pet to perform a specific action.

By having Torgal attack automatically with the occasional manual command, you should be able to level the aforementioned stats much faster than before,

As we stated above, make sure you sure you partake in doing side quests and fight optional battles aside from going straight through the main campaign. You can use the Arete Stone for optional fights.

Furthermore, you can also leave any dungeons you haven’t completed by opening the Map screen and then traveling to another area. Once you return to the same dungeon, you will need to start over from the very beginning of the stage. Since you will keep the experience points, ability points, gil and Torgal’s experience points you earned from completed battles, this should be a great way to grind out the stats for both Clive and his pet companion.