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How to fix Redfall connections errors on Xbox Series X and S

You may encounter the following message when playing Redfall on your Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S console:

  • “Connection Error. Hmm, there was a problem when connecting to Bethesda.net. Please check your connection before trying again.”

You may also see the following error appear on the screen:

  • “Arkent Connection Lost. Arknet Reset Failed.”

To see you can potentially fix these disconnection issues for this first-person shooting videogame, you can take a look at this troubleshooting article from Seeking Tech.

1. For the first step, we recommend checking the server status for the game. In order to do so, you can visit the official Bethesda.net Status Portal with this link.

If the servers are working correctly, then you should see the “Operational” wording, along with a green circle with a white check mark inside, in the Redfall box.

If there seems to be an issue with the servers, then you won’t be able to play the game online until the problem gets fixed from Bethesda’s end.

Keep in mind that Redfall requires a persistent internet connection even if you are playing in the single player mode. While the development is planning to remove the online requirement in a future patch update, you currently won’t be able to play the game offline if the servers are non-operational.

2. If the servers are fine, then you can check the internet status of your Series X or Series S console. In order to do so, you need to take the following steps:

  • Open the Settings menu of your console.
  • From the Settings menu, you need to select General on the left column and then the “Network settings” option on the right side of the same screen.
  • Once you get to the Network menu, you should select the “Test multiplayer connection” option.
  • After the test has been completed, your console will let you know if you need to make any changes to your internet connection. It should also provide you the necessary instructions to do so.

3. If the game servers and your console’s internet connection appear to be perfectly fine but you are still getting disconnected from Redfall, then you should make sure that you aren’t downloading or streaming at the same time as you are playing the game.

4. If possible, you can try using a wired LAN connection instead of a Wi-Fi connection as the former should provide faster and more stable internet.

If you can only use Wi-Fi, then you should make sure that there aren’t any physical objects and/or other wireless devices that may weaken the internet connection between the modem/router and your gaming system.

5. Power cycling your home network may also fix the disconnections in Redfall. In order to perform this action, you need to take the following steps:

  • Turn off your Xbox console.
  • Turn off the modem, router and other devices on your home network.
  • Wait for a minimum of two minutes.
  • Turn back on all the devices on your home network.
  • Once the internet connection is back online, turn on your Xbox Series X or Xbox Series X console, open Redfall and then try to play the game to see if it keeps disconnecting.