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How to fix overheating, humming and popping noises with the Samsung Freestyle

When using the Samsung Freestyle, the portable projector may feel hot when touched. You may also hear noticeable humming or popping noises.

To see how you can potentially fix these issues, you can take a look at this guide from Seeking Tech.

Why your Samsung Freestyle gets hot

The bulb and other internal parts of the Samsung Freestyle will generate heat when turned on, especially when you are using it for an extended length of time.

The internal heat is expelled through the vents of the portable projector; therefore, the vents are normally the hottest part of the Freestyle.

According to Samsung, however, the projector getting hot is completely normal in most cases. With that said, you or your loved ones shouldn’t touch the projector when it gets too hot as it may cause injury.

How to prevent your Samsung Freestyle from getting too hot

If you still want to cool down the portable projector, then the fastest way to do so is to turn it off and then unplug it from the power outlet.

You should also avoid blocking the vents as well as avoid exposing the Freestyle to any direct sunlight or any other sources that generate heat.

Turning down the brightness level should also help cool down this Samsung projector.

Why your Samsung Freestyle is making humming noises

The Samsung Freestyle may be making noticeable humming noises when being used. This is due to the fast-switching circuits and electrical currents.

According to Samsung, the humming noise is also considered to be completely normal.

How to lower the humming noises coming from Samsung Freestyle

In order to lower the humming noises made by your Samsung Freestyle, you can try lowering the brightness level of the portable projector.

Alternatively, you can simply turn up the volume if you are watching a video on the projector to make the humming less noticeable.

Why your Samsung Freestyle is popping humming noises

Your Samsung Freestyle will make a popping noise when the plastic outer casing expands and contracts due to the changing temperatures.

If the internal heat for your portable projector rises, then the casing will expand. If the internal heat falls, then the casing will contract. Both of these scenarios will result in the Freestyle making an audible popping noise.

How to get rid of the popping noises coming from Samsung Freestyle

In order to get rid of some of the popping noises coming from the Samsung Freestyle, you can try doing the following:

  • Make sure you aren’t covering the portable projector.
  • Do not cover the vents as these are needed to expel the internal heat.
  • If the vents are covered in dust, then you can use a dry, cleaning cloth to wipe them clean.
  • You should also leave plenty of free air all around the Samsung Freestyle so that the heat generated by this device will be able to easily dissipate.
  • Avoid exposing the projector to direct sunlight.
  • You can also avoid putting the Freestyle near any heat sources.
  • Lowering the brightness output should decrease the internal temperature of the projector as well.