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How to transfer contacts, photos and other data to Galaxy Tab S7 FE

If you are switching to the Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE as your primary tablet from an older one, you should be able to quickly transfer your contacts, photos, settings and other important data.

To find out how to do so, you can take a look at this guide at Seeking Tech.

How to transfer data to Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE wirelessly

In order to transfer data from an old device to your Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE wirelessly, you need to take the following steps:

1. Download the Smart Switch app on the old device. You can find it on the Galaxy Store or Play Store.

2. Open the Smart Switch app on the old device.

3. On the Galaxy Tab S7 FE, tap the Settings app.

4. Inside the Settings app, tap Accounts and backup.

5. Afterwards, tap Bring data from old device.

6. Place your old device and the Galaxy Tab S7 FE close together so that the wireless connections will be within range of one another.

7. From the Smart Switch app on the old device, tap Send data.

8. Afterwards, tap Wireless.

9. Finally, tap Allow.

10. On the Galaxy Tab S7 FE, select the item you want to bring over to the new tablet.

11. Tap Transfer.

How to transfer data to Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE with a microSD card

To transfer data from an old device to your Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE with a microSD card, you need to do the following:

1. Insert the microSD card to the old device.

2. Transfer the data you want to bring over from the old device to the microSD card.

3. Remove the microSD card from the old device.

4. Insert the same microSD card to the Galaxy Tab S7 FE.

5. On the Galaxy Tab S7 FE, tap the Settings app.

6. In the Settings app, tap Accounts and backup.

7. You then need to tap External storage transfer.

8. Select the backup date in the Restore from SD card.

9. Tap Restore to begin the transfer process.

How to transfer data to Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE with a PC

You can also transfer data from the old device to your Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE via a computer.

In order to do so, you must take the following steps:

1. Download and install the Smart Switch program on your PC.

2. Open the Smart Switch program on your computer.

3. If the old device is from Samsung, connect it to your PC via the device’s USB cable. Afterwards, follow the on-screen instructions that appear on the computer monitor to back up the data from the old device to your computer. You can then disconnect the old device’s USB cable from the computer.

If the old device is not from Samsung, then you need to use a different program that should be provided by the old device’s manufacturer.

4. Now, you need to connect your Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE to the same computer using an USB cable.

5. You should see on-screen instructions appear. Follow those steps to transfer data from the PC to your new tablet.