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How to make the Galaxy Tab S8, S8+ and S8 Ultra side key open the Power Off menu

If you press and hold the Side key of your Samsung Galaxy Tab S8, Samsung Galaxy Tab S8+ or Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra, it won’t open the Power Off menu by default. In order to make accessing the Power Off menu more accessible, you can check out this tutorial from Seeking Tech.

What pressing and holding the side key does by default on the Galaxy Tab S8, S8+ and S8 Ultra

By pressing and holding the side key if your Galaxy Tab S8, Galaxy Tab S8+ or Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra, you will activate Bixby, a virtual assistant that you can control by issuing various voice commands.

What is the default shortcut for the Power Off menu on Galaxy Tab S8, S8+ and S8 Ultra?

The default shortcut to quickly opening the Power Off menu of your S8, S8+ or S8 Ultra is by pressing and holding both the side key and the volume down key at the same time. You can then select the “Power Off” option to turn off your tablet or the “Restart” option to reset your tablet.

How to make the Galaxy Tab S8, S8+ and S8 Ultra side key open the Power Off menu

In order to make the pressing and holding the side key action open the Power Off menu on Samsung Galaxy Tab S8, Samsung Galaxy Tab S8+ or Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra, we recommend that you take the following steps:

1. To begin, you need to open the Settings App on your tablet.

2. After opening the Settings App and getting to the front page, go to Advanced Features.

3. You then need to select Side Key.

4. Next, you need to select Press and Hold.

5. Afterwards, tap Power Off Menu.

After changing this setting, you will now be able to open the power menu by pressing and holding the side key on your Samsung Galaxy Tab S8, Samsung Galaxy Tab S8+ or Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra.

If you want to use Bixby after changing this setting, you need to press and hold both the side key and the volume down key at the same time.

If you want to change this setting back to the default method, you need to open the Settings App and then go to Advanced Features > Press and Hold. Afterwards, change the setting to Wake Bixby.