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How to bypass the 10-minute limit for Clipchamp AI voices

When using the text-to-speech AI voices of Clipchamp, you way run into the following error message:

Try shortening your text to stay under the 10-minute limit.

To see how you can bypass this limit, you can check out this tutorial at Seeking Tech.

First Method

For the first potential fix, you can try speeding up the AI voice to see if you can get the output to fit in under 10 minutes.

You can do so by using the Pace slider in the Advance Settings section. You will be able to increase the cadence by as much as two times the normal speed.

Second Method

If you don’t like how the speed-up version of the AI voice sounds, then the second method is to break your text into multiple parts. In order to do so, cut a portion of the text and, then save the remaining one to the timeline.

Next, you should create a new text-to-speech session. Paste the remaining text, and then save it to the same timeline as before. Afterwards, combine the two audio files in the timeline to bypass the 10-minute limit.